Mara Maionchi and Tiziano Ferro, the controversy continues: what happened today

Mara Maionchi and Tiziano Ferro, the controversy continues: what happened today
Mara Maionchi and Tiziano Ferro, the controversy continues: what happened today

“In my opinion, the ‘force’ to lose weight was only because it wasn’t right for an 18-year-old boy to weigh so much, being stout isn’t so healthy. Furthermore, the show has demands. I think he didn’t do much things ‘by force'”. Mara Maionchi returns to the dispute with Tiziano Ferro, and pressed by journalists on the occasion of the Eurovision Song Contest presentation conference, she thus responds to the singer’s latest story on Instagram. It is the last act of the dispute between the record company and the Latina singer, which has been taking center stage on social media and the media for days. The Maionchi responds, with these words, to the article posted yesterday by Ferro which describes an artistic partnership characterized by some “conditions” that Maionchi allegedly imposed on him: “lose weight and never say you’re gay”.

The stages of the Maionchi-Ferro controversy

It all started with Maionchi, who, guest of Francesca Fagnani at ‘Beasts‘, she said: “Tiziano Ferro didn’t understand how lucky he was to have met me. He didn’t think that both my husband and I helped him to be what in the end, in part, he is.” In a long post on social mediathe singer responded by revealing his bitterness at the words of the former manager who was the first to notice his talent. “I have always been grateful to you, I have shown it to you a million times on a million occasions so I ask myself: why this? Why now?”, Ferro wrote.

After replying in this way, the singer then added some eloquent stories. In addition to the article which talks about the conditions that were apparently imposed on him in some way by Maionchi, the artist from Latina publishes an intervention by Sabrina Ferilli, who talks about the constraints of the artists. “By not being able to touch on certain topics, by not telling certain truths, in the end we suffocated ourselves. You cannot constantly harness art, with ‘how you have to say it’, ‘when you have to say it’, ‘what you have to say’ … shit, then let’s not talk anymore, let’s do something else, let’s decide that freedom of speech and feelings no longer exists, and how to tell them”, says the Roman actress interviewed by Venier.

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