Harry Potter, JK Rowling tells of when she revealed Severus Snape’s secret to Alan Rickman | Cinema

Harry Potter, JK Rowling tells of when she revealed Severus Snape’s secret to Alan Rickman | Cinema
Harry Potter, JK Rowling tells of when she revealed Severus Snape’s secret to Alan Rickman | Cinema

In a new interview published on his official website, JK Rowling answered some of the questions about his writing process and, as a preview for the Times of London, came an excerpt linked to one of the key moments of the saga of Harry Potterthat is, when the writer decided to tell ad Alan Rickman Snape’s story and why he acted a certain way throughout the story.

He called me one day and told me that he just couldn’t concentrate without first clarifying his ideas. That she needed to understand what Snape was up to, whether he was as bad as he seemed or not” said the writer. “It was there that I told him and he was the only person to whom I revealed that Snape was in love with Harry’s mother“.

He then added:

Of course I didn’t stop there and gave him some context, explaining that he was some sort of undercover agent. That in any case he hated Harry and that he would not be able, despite everything, to go beyond the contempt he felt for this boy who was identical to his greatest enemy. So back then I explained to Alan Rickman what was in store for his character, long before he was shown in the various films.

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