VIDEOS | Sardinia, shark swims ashore in Villasimius: panic on the beach

VIDEOS | Sardinia, shark swims ashore in Villasimius: panic on the beach
VIDEOS | Sardinia, shark swims ashore in Villasimius: panic on the beach

Home » Territories » Sardinia » Sardinia, shark swims ashore in Villasimius: panic on the beach

ROME – One shark of about 2 meters has been sighted in the crystal clear waters of Villasimius, in Sardinia. The specimen, probably a blue shark, it was filmed more precisely not far from the shore of Costa Rei, maritime fraction of Muravera. As reported by Il Messaggero, the bathers immediately came out of the water, ready to resume the moment with their mobile phones. The video made the rounds on the web, causing various concerns. In fact, the presence of sharks in the Mediterranean Sea it is a sign of good health of our waters. In general, they move close to shore when they are looking for food.

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The blue shark, or blue shark, is one of the most prolific species in the Mediterranean Sea. Compared to some of its similars such as the Great White, the Tiger or the Mako, it is not considered dangerous to humans, but only attacks if frightened. It’s a kind at risk of extinction because of its fins, used for some oriental recipes. There are very rare cases of an accident involving a bather with a blue shark.

READ ALSO: The leap of the great white shark: the incredible images for Shark Week

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