University of Siena study on anxiety and depression among students

University of Siena study on symptoms of anxiety and depression among university students. The University of Siena launches the 5×1000 donation campaign by presenting the research project financed with the funds distributed this year and confirming its attention on the one hand to funding research and on the other to supporting students .

The research project of the University of Siena, called “Longitudinal study of early screening on psychosocial risk and protective factors for the onset of anxious-depressive symptoms in university students”, starts from the scientific observation that in recent years they are increasing the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression among university students, in a situation made even more serious by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to recent studies, depressive symptoms affect 30.6% of students, while symptoms of suicidal ideation are found in a percentage of 8.8%. In both cases these are higher rates than in the general population.

Starting from these premises, the study aims to explore the psychosocial risk and protective factors associated with symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress in university students of the University of Siena, promptly identifying early subthreshold symptoms of anxiety and depression and detecting potential protective factors. The objectives are to reduce the risk of acute psychopathological onset and to guide targeted therapeutic interventions, capable of containing the evolution of this symptomatology before it consolidates and becomes chronic. In particular, the role of a series of sociodemographic risk factors such as gender, area of ​​residence, year of study, degree course will be studied; and psychological ones such as clinical perfectionism, cognitive distortions, brooding, excessive self-criticism, studyholism or compulsion to study. At the same time, some protective factors will be investigated, such as emotional regulation skills, social skills, self-esteem and the social network.

The research, which will concern students of the University of Siena who will participate on a voluntary basis, will develop through the psychological support offered to participants who present clinically significant symptoms of anxiety and depression. The project is the result of the collaboration between the University Psychiatry Complex Operational Unit of the Department of Mental Health and Sense Organs, directed by Professor Andrea Fagiolini, the Social Welfare Psychology Operational Unit, directed by Dr. Assunta Basile and which has the contact person for the project is Professor Andrea Pozza, and the Psychological Consultancy Service of the University of Siena, of which Dr. Sonia Grassini is the contact person. The project also involves the recruitment of a psychologist, with a commitment of three days a week at the Le Scotte Polyclinic and one day a week at the university campus in Arezzo.

“After having financed with the funds received in 2023 a research project on combating eating disorders, entrusted to Professor Salvatore Grosso, and with those of this year the study on the symptoms of youth anxiety and depression – commented the Rector Roberto Di Pietra – today we launch the campaign to donate 5×1000 to the University of Siena, confirming our commitment to research and support for students. With this campaign, characterized by graphics inspired by the world of comics, we are addressing the University staff, students, their families and alumni, as well as the citizens of Siena and the surrounding area, asking for their support for our University, public and of high education, which represents an asset for the entire reference community”.

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