Here’s how much the lists spend Now the hunt to vote is austere – Pescara

Here’s how much the lists spend Now the hunt to vote is austere – Pescara
Here’s how much the lists spend Now the hunt to vote is austere – Pescara

PESCARA. Gone are the days of election dinners: now, at most, there is a buffet. Saving is the watchword of the hunt to vote in 2024. At least according to the official documents filed with the electoral office of the Municipality of Pescara. And the League, after the leader’s embrace, the vice prime minister Matteo Salvini arrived on Wednesday at the Flaiano auditorium to talk (a lot) about his book and (a little) about the 32 candidates on the list, he is a champion of parsimony: the reporting of expenses, with the signature of Vincenzo D’Incecco, regional councilor, is a string of zeroes, all in a column. No postal, telephone, personnel, transport and printing costs, no rent of premises, zero costs for radio and television propaganda and zero costs for demonstrations. The UDC list also launches the austerity electoral campaign and says that it will not spend a single euro in view of the municipal elections of 8 and 9 June, according to the provincial coordinator Andrea Colalongo.
MONEY ON THE FIELD The centre-right coalition of the outgoing mayor Carlo Masci it has a budget of just 6,030 euros with 6 lists in the field and is the least spender of all; the 5 center-left lists of Carlo Costantini, however, they reach 54,700 euros, a bill that swells for the budget of Costantini’s two civic buildings; the civic Domenico Pettinari follows with 30,500 euros for two lists; the Renzian Gianluca Fusilli has a budget of 10 thousand euros for its United States of Europe list. These are the numbers contained in the budget estimates that the lists are obliged to present to the Municipality. The data refers to the lists: the expenses of the individual councilor candidates are not included.
FDI NOW BRAKES Fratelli d’Italia also launches an electoral campaign aimed at saving: after the three-day convention with the maxi village on the beach in the center of Pescara for the launch of the candidacy of Giorgia Meloni to the European elections – an expense of at least 500 thousand euros -, now the party closes the taps and seems to preach moderation: the list has a ceiling of 1,500 euros for the municipal elections, divided into 500 euros for “purchasing material and means for propaganda”, 500 euros for «the organization of propaganda events in places open to the public» and 500 euros for «printing, distribution and collection of forms for the authentication of signatures and other expenses for the presentation of the lists», these are the figures contained in the signed statement by the delegates on the list Andrea Cocchini And Rocco De Marco. Forza Italia, according to the note from the regional secretary, the deputy Nazario Paganoand the provincial coordinator, the president of the regional council Lorenzo Sighs, announces 1,130 euros in expenses, from the rent of the premises to the posters up to the radio and TV announcements. The civic lists of Masci, Pescara Futura and Masci mayor for Pescara Unica 2024 have a bill of 2,200 euros each, especially for the rental of premises for events and posters.
COSTANTINI Scrooge? The record of electoral spending goes to Costantini’s civics, Carlo Costantini mayor of Pescara and We will make Pescara great, with 24,500 euros each for advertising, graphics, events and rent, states the document signed by Andrea Marconi: Costantini’s lists are the only ones that provide a fund for collaborators of 1,500 euros each. But is Costantini really the Scrooge of the elections or are there still missing statements from the centre-right? The Democratic Party has a budget of 2,500 euros, 2,300 euros for the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra-Radici in Comune, one thousand for the M5S.
COMBS Pettinari presents a budget of 16 thousand euros for the Pettinari Mayor list and another 14,500 for Citizens for Pescara: the bill, according to the documents signed by the list delegates Ciriaca By Prospero And Fabio Di Remigio for Pettinari mayor and Davide Traini And Claudia Brancato for Citizens for Pescara, it is 30,500 euros especially for «publications, presentation of candidatures and program». The “other expenses” items account for a total of 7 thousand euros. Same line for the expenses incurred by Fusilli.

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