Latina / Pua in the commission, the statements of councilors Muzio and Di Cocco

Latina / Pua in the commission, the statements of councilors Muzio and Di Cocco
Latina / Pua in the commission, the statements of councilors Muzio and Di Cocco

LATINA – The joint Urban Planning and Marina commission was held this morning in the presence of the councilors for Urban Planning Annalisa Muzio and for the Marina Gianluca Di Cocco. Among the items on the agenda is the Beach Use Plan, with the examination of the observations received and the counterarguments prepared by the offices.

“In the commission – declares Annalisa Muzio – the 18 observations received from various sector operators and stakeholders were analysed. Some of these were accepted, while others were rejected on the basis of the PUA’s deemed incompetence over the requests made or because they were already included in the plan. The entire project will now be submitted to the Lazio Region for the adoption of the necessary opinions, including the Strategic Environmental Assessment, at the end of which the Pua will reach the city council for final approval. We are optimistic about the position of the Lazio Region with respect to the work carried out, also in light of the fact that with a note dated 27 June 2023 it had already expressed a favorable opinion on the impact assessment and therefore on the plan for using the beaches of the Municipality of Latina with some prescriptions which are have been satisfied through the work completed and presented today.”

“This elaborate – continues Muzio – is the result of long work carried out in administrative continuity, to which we have made changes today presented, discussed and accepted in the commissions chaired by Roberto Belvisi and Federica Censi. I hope that, by the end of the year, the Region will proceed with issuing all the necessary authorizations. I congratulate the offices, the presidents of the two commissions involved and the commissioners for the work carried out, which will finally lead to the adoption of an essential planning act which will be integrated with the urban plan of the marina whose task is about to be entrusted. Great work of synergy with the Navy department with which we are addressing all aspects of our sea: from urban planning, including illegal areas, to the use of the beaches”.

“Certainly the observations received within the Pua, which will be brought to the attention of the Lazio Region, will give the right input to the completion of a broader process for the relaunch of the Latina marina – says councilor Di Cocco -. The seaside facilities will truly function as an attraction for our coastline for 12 months of the year, but also at the service of users who frequent our city. I must thank, in addition to the commission presidents who wanted to share with the commissioners the view on the steps that are being taken for the drafting of the new Pua, also the urban planning councilor with whom I am working in synergy, the technicians, but first and foremost the stakeholders who promptly brought to the attention of the administration measures to improve the usability of the coast. We now hope that the continuation of the process in the Lazio Region can be as fast as possible and that, in the shortest possible time, the city can equip itself with this very important planning tool”.

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