Padua weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 17 May

The forecast for Friday 17 May at Padua provide variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning we will have clear skies with light cloud cover, while in the afternoon precipitation in the form of light rain is expected. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​between +12.2°C and +21.6°C. The relative humidity of the air will be quite high, fluctuating between 51% and 96%.

During the Night, as of 00:00, light rain is expected with 68% cloud cover. Temperatures will settle at +12.2°C, with a perception of +12°C. The wind will blow from the East at a speed of 3.7km/h, with gusts up to 7.8km/h. Precipitation will be 0.14mm, with a humidity of 96% and an atmospheric pressure of 1007hPa.

In the morning, starting at 6am, skies will be partly cloudy with 51% coverage. Temperatures will begin to rise, reaching +14.4°C. The wind will increase in intensity, blowing from the South West at 23.9km/h. Humidity will be at 89%, with an atmospheric pressure of 1009hPa.

In the afternoon, starting at 1pm, skies will be clear with 9% cloud cover. Temperatures will rise to +21°C, with a perception of +20.6°C. The wind will blow from the South West at 30.6km/h, with gusts up to 30.6km/h. Humidity will be 56%, with an atmospheric pressure of 1010hPa.

In evening, starting from 18:00, precipitation in the form of light rain is expected again with a cloud cover of 3%. Temperatures will drop to +18.1°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the South West at 12.6km/h. Precipitation will be 0.13mm, with a humidity of 74% and an atmospheric pressure of 1010hPa.

In conclusion, the forecast for Friday 17 May at Padua they indicate a day with alternating clear spells and precipitation, with rather mild temperatures. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather and bring an umbrella in case of rain during the day.

All the weather data for Friday 17 May in Padua

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