Modena elections, 16 lists for 7 candidates for mayor – Politics

Modena elections, 16 lists for 7 candidates for mayor – Politics
Modena elections, 16 lists for 7 candidates for mayor – Politics

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Nowadays it is certainly not the main communication tool for electoral propaganda, but Municipalities still have the obligation to make stations available to political forces for the posting of posters, printed materials and wall newspapers.

In Modena, in view of the European and municipal elections on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June, there are 25 stations set up for a total surface area of ​​1,400 square metres. In fact, each list has a space of 2 meters high and 1 meter wide.

For both electoral consultations the allocation of spaces is attributed by drawing lots.

For the European Championships there are 12 lists and the order is this: 1, Forza Italia – Berlusconi president – We Moderates; 2, United States of Europe; 3, Popular Alternative – EPP; 4, Peace Earth Dignity; 5, 5 Star Movement; 6, Freedom; 7, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra; 8, Democratic Party; 9, Brothers of Italy – Giorgia Meloni; 10, We are Europeans – Action with Calenda; 11, Sudtiroler Volkspartei; 12, Lega – Salvini prime minister.

For the municipal elections, there are 7 mayoral candidates: Maria Grazia Modena, Luca Negrini, Chiara Costetti, Marco Meschiari, Claudio Tonelli, Daniele Giovanardi, Massimo Mezzetti.

There are 16 linked lists and this is the order of the draw, with the mayoral candidate linked in brackets: 1, Democratic Party (Mezzetti); 2, 5 Star Movement 2050 (Mezzetti); 3, Modena civica (Mezzetti); 4, Modena x Modena (Modena); 5, Modena Turn the page Popular Union (Tonelli); 6, Luca Negrini mayor Civic list (Negrini); 7, Forza Italia – Berlusconi European People’s Party (Negrini); 8, Lega Modena (Negrini); 9, Action with Calenda We are Europeans (Mezzetti); 10, Fratelli d’Italia Giorgia Meloni (Negrini); 11, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra (Mezzetti); 12, Truth 3V Freedom (Meschiari); 13, Piazza Futura (Mezzetti); 14, Modena Cambia (Giovanardi); 15, United for Modena (Mezzetti); 16, Chiara Costetti mayor We breathe clean air (Costetti).

The 25 stations with electoral boards are located in all the neighborhoods of the city and in the hamlets.

In each station there are 22 linear meters of scoreboards for the European Championships and 22 for the Municipal Championships: overall, therefore, it is one kilometer and 100 metres.

There are three in the historic center: in Piazza della Cittadella, Viale Rimembranze and Via Paolucci.
Five others are in Strada Albareto, between Via Francia and Via Denmark at Mulini Nuovi, at Villaggio Modena Est, in Via Difesa Acqui (at the intersection with Viale dello Sport) and in Viale Gramsci.

Eleven are located between Baggiovara, Cittanova, Ganaceto, Lesignana, Cognento, Marzaglia nuova, Saliceta San Giuliano, Villanova, Tre Olmi, Madonnina and in viale Corassori (at the intersection with via Cattaneo). The other six are between Buon Pastore and Sant’Agnese: in via Sassi, in San Damaso, in Portile, in via Campi and two in strada Morane.

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