“The romantic night” by Gabbris Ferrari

The main hall of Palazzo Nodari is embellished with a new work of art: “Romantic night with fireflies”, by Gabbris Ferrari, which the Banca del Monte di Rovigo foundation delivered on loan for use to the Municipality of Rovigo, as part of the “Diffuse art gallery. The works of Gabbris Ferrari in the city”.

At noon yesterday the ceremony of delivery and presentation of the painting, in the presence of the extraordinary commissioner Gianfranco Tomao, the president of the foundation, Giorgio Lazzarini, and the architect Cristina Elettra Ferrari, who illustrated the figure of the artist from Rovigo, giving those present an exhaustive key to understanding the work on display.

The event is part of a large project, which started with the cataloging of the alternating school-work works at De Amicis in 2017 with the teacher Ferrari, and which now envisages “the concession by the Foundation of a series of works by the artist donated to the institution by his widow, Mrs. Meri, so that they can be exhibited in some important sites of the city – explained president Lazzarini – to remember the cultural and human role played by Ferrari on his city and therefore make it present above all to young people who have not known him”.

For this reason, some works have already been installed in school locations so far: the Venezze conservatory, the Viola-Marchesini and De Amicis institutes (in the two locations in via Parenzo and Palazzo Montalti) and in the auditorium of the Paleocapa high school, in addition to the study space of Palazzo Nagliati and the Great Rivers museum.

Gabbris Ferrari, who passed away in 2015, was a multifaceted personality: university professor, painter, graphic designer, theater man (set designer, director and director of the Teatro Sociale), municipal councilor.

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