Ancona, the revolt of pedestrians in Corso Amendola: «We risk being run over, yes to Zone 30» – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – «Cars speed by and take a run-up close to the stripes. The safety problem is real and concrete, we need to act as soon as possible.” There are already two shopkeepers who, in the space of a few hours, raise the problem of speed in a street, Corso Amendola, which is as central as it is busy. Those who live and work there speak of it as “a natural shopping centre”.

The latest episode that threatened to mow down a family of four was on Monday (May 13). The story of what happened is a bartender from Ancona, Loredana Pezzella, owner of the Mixer, right in front of the supermarket Tiger: «My daughter, yesterday, risked being run over – he says – Here they run like crazy, you need to place speed bumps or bollards. Yes to zone 30.”

A Fiat Multipla risked running over us

Together with Loredana’s daughter and her two small children, aged 2 and 3, also her partner: «They were crossing. One of my grandchildren was in my arms and the other was in my hand. No one was arriving, so, at the height of the Tigre, they got through on the stripes. While they were at center of the road – he continues – a Fiat Multipla grazed them, missing them by very little».

The driver proceeded direction Passetto: «He nailed it by swerving to the side and avoiding the impact. It was close, a miracle» sighs Loredana. Hence, the appeal to the Municipality: «I ask for the installation of deterrents with targeted interventions to avoid similar episodes, which are now the order of the day».

Whoever was driving the gray Multipla even made some not-so-veiled threats: «He told him ˊIf you don’t leave, I’ll get out and you split there face». People looked out of the windows, there were those who left their premises. Including Linda D’Ippolito, of the historic Linda tobacconist: «The problem today is not so much the wild parking, Corso Amendola – after all – is a commercial street and there is a lot of traffic and just as much passage. Rather, we need to focus on safety, people don’t respect the limits».

Mrs. Loredana indicates the point where her daughter risked her life

And again: «I am in favor of the creation of one Area 30, but also to more frequent checks. It is unthinkable that one should risk one’s life to cross at a pedestrian crossing. My parents live back here, in via Maratta, I know what I’m talking about. The other day, I left the tobacconist at 8.30pm and a car almost missed me. mowed. I raised my arm to invite the driver to slow down and in response he reversed and came back to me in a provocative manner. The limit was 50 kilometers per hour, it certainly went at around 70.”

There are many problems in the area: «I saw several felines from the colony in Piazza Don Minzoni dead on the street. It would be useful to go slowly and have greater Attention to what happens around us. Not to mention the dirt and rude people who throw waste wherever they happen. But how do you do it?”.

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