“All architects of this triumph”

A protagonist of Italian football, first as a footballer and then as a doctor. Under the shirt of Piero Volpi, 72 years old on June 9th and 57 years of life with a ball within reach, he beats a big Nerazzurri heart. The historic head of the Italian champions’ healthcare staff does not like the limelight but his work and his professionalism are there for all to see. He is one of the silent protagonists of the Second Star. From the Humanitas Clinical Institute (where he is responsible for the knee and sports traumatology department) to Pinetina, and then again to the practice in the center of Milan to receive patients. Always at the service of others.

If I call you Doctor Scudetto, maybe I’m exaggerating?

“It seems excessive to me, but I feel like everyone else is one of the creators because medicine applied to football is extremely important. Then the players go onto the pitch.”

As a percentage, how much of the work of a medical staff goes into winning a tricolor?

“Today the work of a team is fundamental. And investing in this sector, as Inter is doing now, gives a return in results. But if you want, I’ll tell you an anecdote…”.

Tell me…

“When Spalletti was at Inter he said that the role of a doctor was very important, and that it could be worth 6-7 points. I would say they are not few…”

I dare say, today even more so considering that in this Inter team the very starting players have almost always played. So they trained well and from a medical point of view they were followed with great care…

“Yes, perhaps this year the “contribution” was more than 6-7 points… We put into practice everything that medicine gives us in terms of knowledge, then prevention was very important which limited the number of injuries “.

Instead your rivals had a full infirmary…

“I believe that the level of the medical teams in Serie A is very high, we are the best in Europe in terms of injury-schedule ratio. Today you need to be careful, you have little time to train and more chances of getting hurt. We have to adapt to this new football system was less pressing before. This is why I decided to “push” for the five substitutions, which were then approved.”

An Inter footballer who surprised him…

“Mkhitaryan, an example of physical-technical longevity in an exemplary professional. But there are many others like him: rest, nutrition, respect for the rules. Victory is always the result of an appropriate sporting culture”

He arrived at Inter as a doctor in 1995 and then returned in 2014…

“Sixteen years in all, five with Moratti and eleven after his presidency. A lot has changed in the meantime: twenty-nine years ago I was alone with two masseurs, plus the coach and the trainer. Today I lead an entire staff that helps me to don’t leave anything out, from the nutritionist to the psychologist.”

From Moratti to Marotta… What seasons were they?

“Beautiful, with extraordinary managers of enormous human and professional depth like Ausilio. The doctor doesn’t have to be in the shop window, but behind the scenes. With the authority of someone who must be respected. And I have always felt respected. With all the coaches that I have had and with the company. I have an excellent staff, our work is appreciated and the results are visible. We are equipped to do important things, manage all situations.”

So far the doctor Piero Volpi. Then there is the former footballer, the one who started with Marotta…

“I met him when he was in the Varese youth team, he was younger than me. After many years we found ourselves at Inter: a very important figure in the growth of the club. He has a great quality, that of having made his way starting from the basics Now he is at the top, he has knowledge that belongs to few and for me he is the best manager in Italian football.”

Varese was a starting point for her too…

“I was 15 years old, my parents said: “Okay, but you don’t have to leave the studio“. A great teaching that I try to pass on to young people today. Victory is sacrifice, you get nothing for grace received. I remember when I left school I went to Varese and ate a sandwich before training. Primavera was very strong, 6 out of 11 arrived in Serie A: with me Gentile, Massimelli, Calloni, Della Corna and Penzo… A very strong youth team and Liedholm as coach Italian led by Giovanni and Guido Borghi, between football, basketball and cycling”.

That was the launching pad…

“Then came great satisfactions, with Lecco, Ternana and Como. Maybe never in big teams but certainly a valid career, going from C to A”.

Until his debut in the top flight, on 14 September 1980 against the Roma of Falcao, Conti and Ancelotti…

“It was the first year the foreigners reopened. Ours was the Como of the Italians, we didn’t sign a single foreigner. We lost 1-0, but we saved ourselves on the last day. But how nice to see Como back in Serie A, I really hope the next year to go on the bench as a doctor and former player…”.

You were an old-school defender…

“I used to play as a libero, but today the role has disappeared a bit. These days I would see myself well as a central defender at De Vrij. Even if my “model” remains Scirea, for his way of conceiving football, for his confidentiality and concreteness “.

Back from the field to the infirmary. From his Inter seasons we remember three particular stories: Kanu, Ronaldo and Eriksen.

“Difficult situations given the serious pathologies. Kanu was a miracle of sports medicine, in 96-97 he underwent heart surgery which allowed him to play again, something unthinkable. Ronaldo’s case, on the other hand, was a very painful case, we had the greatest player in the world, but he suffered a ruptured patellar tendon. Modern surgery would have allowed for quicker recoveries. Eriksen took advantage of all the modern technology, including the rescue laws are more restrictive”

Is there a Nerazzurri player who for you was the image of health or courage?

“The person who would have played even with a broken tibia was Simeone. His career as a coach doesn’t surprise me. If we talk about “availability”, instead, I say Roberto Baggio. He had serious injuries as a youngster, I don’t know how he was able to take the field with those knees until the age of 36, also winning the Ballon d’Or”.

Is there anything you learned in the field that you bring into your office or the operating room?

“Football is educational, it gives you order and discipline. And all this helps in my profession because you know how to deal with obstacles. When you win the championship you remember the celebration, but it’s a long journey of satisfaction. Victory in sport gives unique emotions, I understand the joy of our players.”

Three beautiful moments of your career?

“Many. I remember the Anglo-Italian victory with Lecco, the promotion to Serie B in the Italian championship, and then the championships with Conte and Inzaghi, like Moratti’s first UEFA cup in Paris. Events that gave me enormous joy “.

Speaking of Conte and Inzaghi…

“Two great professionals, they have in common the great ability to manage the group. And if you know how to manage men you already have a good part of the victory in your hands.”

Her relationship with Steven Zhang?

“Splendid. He has always helped me, I have continually felt his trust. An excellent president and he deserves what the club is getting.”

Ownership’s dream, and I imagine theirs, is the Champions League at this point…

“Unfortunately it’s a trophy that few people lift and, as Marotta says, “the best doesn’t always win”. But there have to be favorable situations and luck is needed, but we’ll try.”

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