Reclamation Consortium signs agreement

Grosseto. Also the Reclamation Consortium 6 Southern Tuscany he was the protagonist at Macfrut in Rimini.

The final day of the important fair in fact saw as a moment of institutional importance at the Anbi stand the signing of the agreement for the project “Water way plastic free” aimed at raising awareness of the conscious and responsible use of plastic and encouraging the use of bioplastics in agriculture: Raffaella Zucaro, coordinator of Anbi – Emilia Romagna signed the agreement (representing the president Francesco Vincenzi); Marco Bottino, president of Anbi Toscana; Fabio Bellacchi, president of the Consorzio Bonifica 6 Toscana Sud; Nicola Dalmonte, president of Canale Emiliano Romagnolo.

“Completely eliminating the use of plastic in agriculture is unthinkable – he reflects Fabio Bellacchipresident of the Consorzio di Bonifica 6 Toscana Sud -, but our consortium has been working for some time to try to reduce its use and prevent its abandonment. Not only that, we have also worked on innovative projects, such as the plant in the San Rocco canal which collects plastic and prevents it from reaching the sea”.

“With this convention, then – he adds Bellacchi -, let’s work to raise awareness of the conscious use of bioplastic, a material that could allow us to achieve important results while respecting the environment, which must represent a priority. The one signed with Anbi and Cer is an agreement that can help us create a new model and we hope that local companies will also understand its importance”.

The conference

We will also talk about the project on May 21st at the Grosseto University Center, from 10.30, in a conference that will end with a new signing of the agreement between Anbi Toscana, Anbi Emilia Romagna, Cb6 and Cer. This interregional agreement between Emilia Romagna and Tuscany is in fact aimed at raising awareness among professionals, promoting the adoption of materials, strategies and good agronomic practices to increase awareness of the use of plastic in agriculture and to encourage, where possible, the use of innovative products such as bioplastics: products with properties similar to traditional plastics, but derived from renewable, biodegradable and compostable raw materials.

This is the opinion of Massimo Garganogeneral director of Anbi: “We pay particular attention to the environment, this convention talks about plastic free water, freed from plastic and the incivility of many people, but there is also an industry that must do better. We want water free from plastic to give it to an Italian agri-food industry and to Italian producers who, on this development model, I believe are important players in an Italy that is a protagonist in world markets”.

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