European elections, in Italy two out of three young people ready to participate in the vote

European elections, in Italy two out of three young people ready to participate in the vote
European elections, in Italy two out of three young people ready to participate in the vote

Brussels – Interested in politics, in European issues, determined to make use of their right to vote, attentive to environmental issues and programs, for a Europe of peace. Here they are young Italians called to express their opinion for the European elections at the beginning of June, as portrayed by the special Eurobarometer survey aimed specifically at younger people. Questions aimed only at under-30s, to study their attitudes and intentions. The first is that of vote, which two out of three people (67 percent) say they want to exercise.

Young women and men of Italy have no doubt about this: they will vote. Or at least that’s what they claim. Only a small part of those interviewed firmly declare that they have no intention of going to vote (11 percent), with an almost similar share of undecided people (9 percent) reserving the decision for the last moment.

Environmentalism and ecology for Italians seem to be the key factor of ever closer consultations. One person in four (26 percent) declares that they want to know what the electoral program of the various parties includes, and another four people in ten (44 percent) declare that they want sustainability among the candidates’ commitments, even if they are not really willing to read the entire agenda.

Those offered on ‘green’ matters do not appear to be circumstantial responses. Because when asked about the possibility of finding a job in the sector, three out of ten eligible people (30 percent) offer a clear ‘yes’, and almost one in two people (48 percent) nevertheless show themselves interested and inclined. Only young people from Cyprus, Romania, Greece, Malta and Slovenia are more ‘eco-sensitive’ than their Italian peers, who demand a better commitment from the EU for peace.

Promoting and defending peace is the first choice of Italians under 30 when asked what the European Union should focus on (33 percent), as is the fight against social exclusion and more work (33 percent). The latter is the responsibility of the member states and not of the EU, and which sounds like distrust in the national political class.

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