“This way Giorgia will also change Europe”. Interview with Arianna Meloni

“This way Giorgia will also change Europe”. Interview with Arianna Meloni
“This way Giorgia will also change Europe”. Interview with Arianna Meloni

Arianna Meloni, 48 years old, in politics for 30 years, Giorgia’s sister, has heavy responsibilities at the top of the party. But she doesn’t like the limelight. She prefers to work behind the scenes. Interviewing is not something she enjoys. But this time she gave in.

First of all, best wishes for Mother’s Day. You have two teenage daughters: what kind of mother are you? Is she apprehensive?

“Thank you. No, I would say no. Of course, I am a mother of the new generation. Our parents had fewer worries, we tend to control more. But I think we should stop being union organizers of our children. We parents of this era tend to often defend their reasons, sometimes even when they are wrong. When in doubt, I side with the professors (smiles).”

Well, what if a teacher targets the kid?

«But, look, sometimes the appropriate rigidity on the part of some teachers towards kids, perhaps listless, is mistaken for targeting. It’s wrong. The student-teacher relationship must certainly return to being one of mutual respect. I say: guys, find the system to transform critical issues into opportunities, and try to do it yourself. It’s not mom or dad who solves the problem. If, however, you always agree with your children unconditionally, let’s not be surprised if your children don’t learn how important respect for roles and people is.”

Respect for roles?

«Yes, it applies to professors as well as doctors, waiters and any other profession».

Is there a tendency to always consider ourselves victims?

“Sometimes yes. We often hear people say: they persecute me, they marginalize me. I believe that we should first of all ask ourselves if we have really put our maximum effort into a goal. There’s no one who sometimes says well, I’m not capable… There’s Arianna! (laughs).”

Let’s get into political news: on 8 and 9 June we will vote for the renewal of the European Parliament. You said: «Let’s bring our model to Europe». What is the Italian model that Fratelli d’Italia wants to bring to Europe?

«We would like to bring Europe to be central in the West, and Italy to be central in Europe in all decision-making processes: from industrial development to common defence, from the management of migratory phenomena to the CAP, agricultural policy. The upcoming elections are an extraordinary opportunity to change the European political structure and make Italy, Italian pride, the cornerstone of a new Europe. This is why voting for Giorgia and Fratelli d’Italia next June is essential to give greater strength and weight to our nation in Europe. And Giorgia is esteemed everywhere. Everyone looks at her as an example.”

Why, in your opinion?

«Because he is a person who has never compromised, who came to government by saying what he thinks and doing what he says. Always. The whole party is like this. We are a human and political community with our feet on the ground, which carries forward precise values ​​and a clear and coherent vision. No amazing promises, nothing that he doesn’t feel capable of achieving. In a word: seriousness.”

And now you have the burden of government?

«More than a burden, I would say a burden and, at the same time, an honor. Fratelli d’Italia is the first Italian party and represents the Prime Minister and several authoritative ministers. We found ourselves governing in a particularly complex historical phase in many respects. But we immediately managed to provide stability.”

How did you manage it?

«Unlike in the past, the majority that supports Giorgia is not an alliance of parties that went to war with each other during the electoral campaign and then governed together in the name of some seat. We went to the vote together with our allies with a common program, we supported it in the election campaign and, once we won the elections, we started to implement it.”

What if you had to tell me just one objective of this government?

«There are many, obviously. If I had to choose one, I would say: bringing the nation to feel like a true national community. Rediscover civic sense, pride and belonging. Feeling like a single community also means, in concrete terms, recognizing merit, rewarding it, but never leaving the most fragile and less fortunate behind. However, helping the weakest does not automatically mean tipping policy. And the Meloni government made this clear right from the start.”

Was this the policy of previous governments?

«Yes, because the majorities were divided on everything, and so they sought easy consensus through tips, abandoning active employment policies and preferring state welfare. We at Fdi want to change this approach. We started politics not with the idea of ​​coming to power, checking the safe and distributing tips to get re-elected. Healthy politics is the exact opposite. And it is a constant sacrifice, in the ancient meaning of sacred doing, of giving oneself.”

Are you speaking in the first person?

“I think so. Being in politics is not just being a deputy or a councilor or a minister. Politics is precisely a sense of belonging to a project in which many essential figures are behind the scenes and contribute to the realization of a program like those who hold public and elective positions. We have been involved in politics for decades, we have a wonderful youth organization made up of young people who work and fight for ideas and ideals.”

She has been involved in politics since she was 17. Did you have the same fire that today’s right-wing kids have?

“Yes. Although for us it was perhaps more immediate. I entered politics at the time of Tangentopoli and the mafia massacres. There was a very strong push for change and active participation.”

How did you make your choice of field?

«It happened after witnessing a crazy scene in Garbatella. The left-wing autonomists attacked a group of the Youth Front. They beat hard and said: You don’t come in here. I was with a friend who dragged me away because my blood was boiling and I wanted to intervene. I can’t stand cowardice. Something very strong inside me clicked there.”

And today?

«Today it is more difficult. Boys, in general, are less busy. Politics attracts little. Our youth organization, however, remained alive.”

When do you see kids protesting?

“I appreciate. It is good to challenge what you consider wrong, especially when you are young. But be careful: contestation within the perimeter of democratic rules is one thing, it is another to witness a dynamic of aggression and oppression like that of which Minister Roccella was recently the victim, who was not allowed to express her ideas. This is not tolerable and in this sense I totally recognize myself in the words of President Mattarella, who wanted to express closeness and solidarity to you.”

At 17, would you have ever thought of becoming a woman who controls the largest party in Italy?

«I don’t have a party in my hands, I am a party woman. She is one of the many leaders of Fratelli d’Italia. We have 50 national departments. Then there are the regional and municipal departments. I have a role, a certain seniority. I deal a lot with the relationship with the territories: this is the meaning of the political secretariat. I am not the head of the party. I direct it together with many other very valid managers.”

Do you like being behind the scenes?

“Yes. And I claim it.”

Out of shyness?


But he has charisma.

“I don’t know. I don’t judge. I’m happy in my role. I have never felt the need to do anything else or have a public role. I hope that my way of doing politics can also be an example.”

What is the meaning of politics when governing?

«Understand the point of failure of what you do. Imagine not only the immediate consequences, but the consequences in 10, 20 years. In this Giorgia is the person in Italy who has the greatest capacity for vision of the future and for extraordinary synthesis.”

Let’s talk about the premiership.

«It is one of our historic battles: giving Italians back true centrality by giving them the right to choose who to govern them. Enough with the Palace games, with underground maneuvers in defiance of the will of the people. We want it to no longer happen that those who don’t win the elections can still govern and implement a program that was rejected at the polls.”

Does this disappear with the premiership?

“Yes. In this way, Italians will have the guarantee of having their will respected. Sovereignty belongs to the people and through this reform sovereignty can truly be achieved. And I believe that abstention will decrease because the relationship between citizens and politics will change.”

Can you explain why there is so much opposition?

«I don’t understand this outcry against a proposal that simplifies and clarifies the idea of ​​giving a stable government to Italy. It is not a reform tailor-made for the Meloni government, it is a reform that restores solidity to whoever will govern in the future, beyond the parties, with a view to respecting the policy of alternation. Then, in reality, if I think that the left was in government for 10 years without ever winning the elections, I understand why it opposes a reform that allows you to go to Palazzo Chigi only after having obtained the consent of the Italians… ».

Do you lose trust with instability?

“Yes. The deficit of trust affects not only the relationship with citizens, but also one’s own authority on an international level. If a nation presents itself at European summits with a Prime Minister who changes every year, it is obvious that no one in Europe will consider that nation as a serious and reliable partner.”

What will be the position of Fdi in Europe?

«We will certainly have a constructive approach, but, at the same time, we will continue, as always, to defend Italy’s interests. Europe has a great history. We want to reawaken in everyone the pride of feeling European. To be within a Europe of peoples, where everyone preserves their specific characteristics by belonging to a single soul, and where no one can find themselves in a condition of subordination.”

And with a single soul do you address issues such as immigration?

“Certain. Think of the Mattei Plan, which must be implemented together with Europe and Africa. We have only just begun but we are already overcoming that approach which is on the one hand predatory and on the other exclusively inclusive (if you excuse the pun) which has never been able to resolve the phenomenon of uncontrolled immigration. The Mattei Plan is in the mutual interest of Italy and Africa, it promotes and organizes development for African nations, and not to their detriment. Truly Enrico Mattei’s idea. When Giorgia met the presidents of all the African states, it was a beautiful image.”

Is she proud of how her sister is working?

«Very, really. Then I get emotional easily. She is demonstrating not only intelligence and ability, but also great strength and extraordinary seriousness.”

And is Giorgia proud of her?

«I don’t know (smiles). But for now she has never taken me back, so I think it’s okay…”.

You, so shy, what feeling do you have when a rally is about to begin?

“A bit of anxiety, then it goes away.”

Does the press worry you?

«There are many journalists who do their job well, they often take part in our events and tell, objectively, our commitment and, why not, sometimes also our limitations. Others, in truth, have an ideological attitude and tend to use words or expressions to distort the meaning. Rather than polemics for their own sake, I prefer facts.”

What is your biggest fear in politics?

«Those who are involved in politics are called upon to make decisions, and our choices have concrete effects on people’s lives. We have a huge responsibility, I feel the weight of it every day. But then the desire to give a future to the new generations always wins.”

What do you say to people when you talk to them?

«We are who we are and we want to remain who we are, with seriousness, transparency and coherence. Never have more than one face, never betray your word. This is our victory.

This is politics.”

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