«Never give up the game for lost»

The Democratic Party does not want to resign itself to what appears to be a pre-written result: the victory of the center-right and the re-election of the outgoing governor Alberto Cirio. So, it’s up to Elly Schleinwhich yesterday made a first stop at Book Fair for a tour of the stands and then toEnviPark for the national conference of the dems on industry and work, spend words of encouragement for the centre-left candidate Gianna Pentenero. “I expect a great result from you, we are here to win, we are not here to participate”, assures the secretary, while she is accompanied by the mayor Stefano Lo Russo between the pavilions of Ingot.

Later in the afternoon, Schlein met with the Piedmontese party’s general staff. In the front row, al Dora Parkthere are the exponents of the left dem, from Andrea Orlando to Chiara Gribaudo. But also the Piedmontese secretary Mimmo Rossi and the metropolitan one Marcello Mazzù.

To those who consider the challenge with the center-right to be lost from the start, Schlein responds with words of reassurance: «This battle is not lost. For nothing. The result should not be taken for granted.”

In short, it seems that the Democrats have not stopped trusting in a reversal of the forecasts for the vote of 8 and 9 June. «We ask people to give themselves hope again. If people take action – this is the invitation that comes from the leader of the Democratic Party -, multiplying the voice of Pentenero and his good team, we can do it.”

But the words spoken in public are one thing, what the Democratic leaders, in Turin and Rome, have known for some time are another. Yet Schlein wants to believe it. And he hopes for a mobilization of the electorate starting with the most burning issues, such as the healthcare. «My hope is that the Piedmontese will respond to our proposal – he hopes -, because there is great suffering in public health in Piedmont too, the waiting lists are getting longer here too, if there is a lack of staff and there are not sufficient interventions it’s difficult to move forward.”

A month and a half after the judicial storm that hit the party in Piedmont with the Gallo casethe secretary returns to talk about the topic of legalitytrying to throw the ball into the center-right’s court, grappling with the affair these days Toti. «The difference between us and them is that when investigations arrive that reveal very serious situations, we are the first to say so, to distance ourselves, to demand resignations, to demand that our administrators and militants raise their guard so as never to see irregularity”, he states, referring to the sudden exclusion of Gallo’s son, Raffaele, from the lists. And then he excludes that starting from that affair the various souls of the subalpine party could come together again in a congress: «The Piedmontese Democratic Party has found unity. It is never a given in a complex organization like ours. We, unlike others, live through real discussions. And now we are present with a very strong list.”

At the labor conference Elly Schlein meets the secretary of Fiom Edi Lazzi, who invites her to the next metalworkers’ party. And she confronts a Stellantis worker, Gianluca, who tells her about his experience and the difficulties he is experiencing. On the subject, while Mayor Lo Russo asks for “incentives for production in Italy”, among the national Dem leaders there is no shortage of distinctions and criticisms of the former Fiat, starting with Orlando and Gribaudo. Schlein draws conclusions. And he promises: «I will return in the last week of the electoral campaign to give Gianna and our candidates a boost».

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