all the details for tomorrow Tuesday 14 May

Tuesday 14 May in Caserta promises to be a day characterized by variable weather conditions. In the morning, the sky will be clear with light cloud cover, while in the afternoon and towards the evening, scattered clouds and overcast skies are expected.


During the morningthe temperature will be around +18.6°C at 06:00and then gradually rise until reaching i +26.2°C at 11:00 am. Cloud cover will be ninety two% in the early hours of the day, and then decreases until 6% about 11:00 am. The wind speed will be between 2.1km/h hey 7.2km/h, coming mainly from the North East and West – South West directions. Humidity will be maintained around the 57%27% during the morning.

In the afternoonthe sky will be clear with a light presence of scattered clouds, with a cloud cover that will vary from 6% to the 35%. Temperatures will remain pleasant, fluctuating between +25°C hey +24.2°C. Wind speed will be moderate, with values ​​between 8.2km/h hey 14.1km/h, coming from the West – South West direction. Humidity will settle around the 29%34% during the afternoon.

In eveningthe sky will become further overcast, with cloud cover reaching the 45% at 6pm and the 100% about 8:00 pm. Temperatures will drop slightly, fluctuating between +20.5°C hey +18.8°C. The wind speed will decrease, remaining around 3km/h5km/h, coming mainly from the North – North West direction. Humidity will increase until 49%55% during the evening.

Final Considerations:

The weather forecast for Tuesday 14 May in Caserta indicates a day with significant climatic variations, ranging from clear sky conditions to scattered clouds and cloud cover. Temperatures will remain pleasant, with maximum values ​​around +26.2°C during the morning. It is advisable to pay attention to the evolution of weather conditions and be prepared for any sudden changes during the day.

All the weather data for Tuesday 14 May in Caserta

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