Celiac disease prevention week: Free serological screening at the Crotone hospital on May 13th and 16th

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On the proposal of the Italian Celiac Association (Aic) Calabria, the ASP of Crotone will promote an interesting initiative on the occasion of the national week dedicated to raising awareness and correct information on this pathology which, given the data, requires greater attention from everyone.
It will thus be possible, on May 13th and 16th, from 8.30 am to 10 am, to carry out the serological screening by going to the premises of the Analysis Laboratory (Sampling Room) of the “San Giovanni di Dio” hospital. The Screening will aim to contribute to reducing the diagnostic latency time and the number of undiagnosed celiacs, through a work of raising public awareness.
The tests will be offered by Aic Calabria and the screening will be completely free for first-degree relatives of Aic members, while it will cost only 10 euros for non-members.
What is Celiac Disease? Why the need to activate dedicated regional Open days?
Celiac disease is a permanent auto-inflammatory enteropathy on an autoimmune basis triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. Its prevalence in the Western world is equal to 1%, but the cases diagnosed in Italy (Istatat 2020) are 233,147 (out of 600,000) so approximately 400,000 have not yet received the diagnosis: approximately 2/3. Almost identical proportion in Calabria: 6,422 (out of 20,000) so approximately 13,578 have not yet received the diagnosis: < 2/3.
Aic Calabria has been committed to protecting the rights of Calabrian celiacs for over 40 years thanks to scientific, convivial, training and information activities.
«Doctors Caterina Pacenza and Chiara Frandina – reports a note from the AIC -, in the dual role of medical directors of the ASP of Crotone and scientific representatives of the AIC for the province of Crotone, in concert with the director of the UOC of Paediatrics, Doctor Stefania Zampogna and with Dr. Enrico Ciliberto, director of the Gastroenterology UOC and director of the Services department, motivated by the noble cause, responded enthusiastically to the initiative by promoting it operationally in the context of the hospital premises of their own health company”.
«We thank doctors Rita Cizza – underlines the note -, director of the Uosd Analysis Laboratory of the ASP of Crotone and Maria Nadia Senatore, acting manager, for the effective implementation of the initiative, as well as doctor Rosalba Parise, contact person Aic Crotone: each of them contributed to the project taking shape. Particular thanks also go to the ASP of Crotone in the persons of its managers for having enthusiastically welcomed this initiative and lastly, and not least, to all the healthcare personnel (nurses, health workers, technicians, administrators) involved in the project which will available its professionalism for the success of this exciting project and would deliver this notable opportunity to the citizens of Crotone”.
To view the initiative and book your participation, simply click on the website: bit.ly/settimanaceliachiacalabria.

Crotone there 11/05/2024

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