UMG of Catanzaro, Donato responds to councilor Talerico’s accusations: “I’m not surprised that he writes such falsehoods”

UMG of Catanzaro, Donato responds to councilor Talerico’s accusations: “I’m not surprised that he writes such falsehoods”
UMG of Catanzaro, Donato responds to councilor Talerico’s accusations: “I’m not surprised that he writes such falsehoods”

“An article that appeared in newspapers reports a ranting press note from the lawyer. Talerico, who, with the usual confusion and the usual verbal violence – never recorded in the past decades of political experience – exposes an attack on the UMG and on my person, on the assumption that I would be part of of the power group that manages and directs the University of Catanzaro, also through many runners included in various university bodies (Academic Senate, UMG Foundation, Departments, SSPL, etc.].”

READ MORE HERE >>> UMG of Catanzaro, the regional councilor Talerico lashes out against Valerio Donato: “Baronial and oligarchic management responsible for the decline of the University”

With these words the minority city councilor and UMG teacher, Valerio Donato

A “command group” that would have brought the UMG and the Department of Law into disrepair as a result of a very personal management; really a sort of secretariat of the Democratic Party [per altro alleato dell’avv. Talerico al Comune di Catanzaro (sic!)] which would have prevented professors and scholars from giving an important contribution to teaching.

It didn’t surprise me that the lawyer. Taleric writes such falsehoods.

Nor would such a false “reconstruction” deserve a response. Political stature [e non] of such statements is so low that it deserves silence, at least here.

The confusing words written by the lawyer. Taleric could easily be defeated by the truth. I was – in truth – President of the UMG Foundation. I resigned when running for mayor, without being legally required to do so. In carrying out the assignment I – among other things – acquired resources for the Catanzaro university system amounting to approximately €16,000,000 and thus allowing [diversamente da prima] to all eligible students to enjoy a scholarship; but I have in no case “managed” – neither formally nor informally – academic bodies [né tanto meno a favore di partiti politici] through “galoppini” according to a category foreign to me. The runners act on behalf of others and they constitute, in this way, a category known – certainly not to me, but – to those who prefer to form consensus on the basis of merchandise with very low-grade compromises; or who, as losers in competitions of all kinds, prefer to open “purchasing campaigns” and haggling, to fuel consensus and seats. The Professors who participate in the academic bodies of UMG are capable, free and endowed with professionalism, demonstrated everywhere. Maybe the lawyer. Talerico confuses the University with different places, perhaps frequented by him.

But the note includes a multiplicity of [offese e soprattutto] falsehoods that deserve to be censored for the sole benefit of public opinion; and only for the purpose of not misleading readers into false beliefs.

Unlike what was stated by the lawyer. talerico – who demonstrates ignorance of the public structures of the territory – the Department of Law is characterized by professional and academic qualifications of the highest order. If on the one hand, in fact since 2013 – to indicate some of the qualifying elements of the Department – the publications of the group of private law scholars [in gran parte eguali agli attuali titolari di cattedra] have received recognition from ANVUR as the best work in Italy in the “Research Quality” ranking, the Department of Law has currently been qualified by ANVUR [nell’ambito di altri 179 Dipartimenti] as “Department of Excellence”, i.e. as a Department that stands out for the quality of the research produced and for the quality of the development project. And the teaching has always been evaluated with a high degree of positivity by everyone and especially by the students.

All this is certainly not weakened by the number of those enrolled in the Specialization School for the Legal Professions. This is, first of all, a drop in registrations recorded throughout Italy, probably due to the repeal of the qualification as a requirement for accessing public competitions. And a decrease that has affected Universities with a much greater tradition and with a much larger catchment area than ours, such as the University of Catania where the number of students enrolled in the course is equal to 4.

The university system is a little more complex than the lawyer believes. Talerico, who ignores the primordial data: how can one? [come dallo questi affermato] prevent a professor holder from contributing to teaching?

I deliberately ignore every consideration made by the lawyer. Talerico on my personal successes and failures. And on the progress of the last municipal elections. Beyond the morbid obsession manifested against a minority councilor who certainly cannot hinder the “virtuous” government action that is taking place in Catanzaro, I want to give some information to the lawyer. Talerico: the news of Valerio Donato’s electoral defeat is two years old and known to everyone! Of course being scolded by the lawyer. Talerico, having joined Action after being in the PD seems surreal, because it comes from someone who – defeated in almost all the elections – had the only success of being accepted, in the period of a few years, by 7 parties!

What could interest public opinion rather concerns the great political successes achieved by the majority in the government of the City and the great contribution that councilor Talerico and the his “group”.

The lawyer Talerico should inform public opinion which proposals he presented to the city’s governing majority, which ones were implemented and with what benefits for the citizens, rather than struggling to suggest what the minority should do. Tell what the councilors indicated by the lawyer did. Taleric. Please clarify, just to give an example among many, why the tender for separate waste collection has not been launched for a year and instead an extension was made – in my opinion illegitimate – of the previous contract. Inform citizens about the results of Councilor Borelli’s much-vaunted urban free zone. Inform citizens if the organization and spending assigned to the Department of Social Policies are in continuity with the past or have recorded a turning point. Explain how it is possible for the Municipality to be condemned by the Judge because it has not adopted adequate measures to protect people with disabilities. Inform citizens about the methods of assigning tasks to professionals. On how to choose the associations to which to entrust events such as the Spicy Night and the Christmas holidays. Clarify the public spending of the Municipality of Catanzaro!

To escape these issues it is not enough to try to offend – without success – me or the minority. Nor should we attempt to destroy – without success – the University, which represents one of the few productive factors in our territory.

It is necessary to govern. And the lawyer. Talerico is responsible for the failure [questo sì!] of the Giunta Fiorita which does not need particular words. It is enough for citizens to observe the facts!

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