Latina – NAS inspections in restaurants, pubs and warehouses: 300 kilos of food seized, one business suspended

Latina – NAS inspections in restaurants, pubs and warehouses: 300 kilos of food seized, one business suspended
Latina – NAS inspections in restaurants, pubs and warehouses: 300 kilos of food seized, one business suspended

Controls by the Carabinieri of the NAS of Latina, with the support of colleagues from the territorial force, as part of checks useful for verifying the genuineness of the products, searching for counterfeit DOP and IGP foodstuffs and possession of the requirements for the marketing of food and drinks.
As part of the inspections at a catering business and small and medium-sized retail outlets, in the province of Latina, a total of 300 kg of various foods and 650 liters of drinks were seized.
One of the inspected businesses was suspended.
In particular, in two supermarkets in a municipality in the Lepini mountains, more than 120 kg of various foods were seized, stored in violation of the established self-control procedures, including the traceability of the products and the expiration date that had passed. Each of the owners of the businesses was fined 2000 euros.
In a restaurant in the municipality of Latina, in addition to the seizure of approximately 10 kg of various foods stored in a non-compliant manner according to the police, approximately 600 bottles of water and 50 bottles of other drinks were seized, found outside the premises, at the mercy of atmospheric agents with the risk of deterioration of the plastic and a consequent release of potentially harmful substances for consumers.
A fine of 2 thousand euros was imposed on the responsible lawyer, the bottles are awaiting destruction.
Also in Latina, more than 80 kg of food without traceability that would allow verifying its origin was seized in a pub in violation of the law. The owner was fined 1,500 euros.
Finally, in a grocery store in the south of the Pontine area, the Nas carabinieri, in addition to seizing 80 kg of food products without indications certifying traceability, detected serious hygienic, health and structural deficiencies, not only attributable to the lack of cleaning of the premises , but above all to the presence of cats that circulated freely within the warehouse, with potential danger of contamination for the food stored inside.
Once the prevention department of the Latina ASL was informed, the activity was immediately suspended and sanctioned with two fines for a total of 2500 euros.

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