He hits a car with his stick and attacks the police

He hits a car with his stick and attacks the police
He hits a car with his stick and attacks the police

Hundred. The police arrested a 24-year-old of Tunisian origins resident in Cento for aggravated damage, resistance and injury to a public official.

On the evening of Wednesday 8 May, a citizen of Cento was returning in his car to his home, when on the street he saw a boy coming towards him with a stick. He stopped the vehicle and began insulting the driver and hitting the car with his stick, before climbing onto the bonnet and kicking the windshield until it broke.

The unfortunate man immediately called 112 who immediately sent a gazelle.

The police identified the perpetrator of the damage thanks also to the indications of the victim. When the soldiers approached and tried to calm him down, the 24-year-old instead started insulting them and immediately afterwards lashed out at them, headbutting them, punching them and kicking them.

The intervention of the two carabinieri was timely and professional and, to stop the impetuosity of the Tunisian citizen, they were forced to use stinging spray. Only in this way were they able to contain and handcuff him.

The motivation for the gesture by the boy is inexplicable, and he was arrested for aggravated damage, resistance and injury to a public official and placed under house arrest, awaiting the validation hearing as ordered by the prosecutor on duty Andrea Maggioni.

On the morning of May 10, in court in Ferrara, investigating judge Sandra Lepore validated the arrest and sentenced the 24-year-old to eight months’ imprisonment with a suspended sentence, following a plea agreement.

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