Towards Bari-Brescia, the charge of the former red and white captains: «We must believe in it all the way»

Towards Bari-Brescia, the charge of the former red and white captains: «We must believe in it all the way»
Towards Bari-Brescia, the charge of the former red and white captains: «We must believe in it all the way»

A crucial match of the season awaits Bari tonight against Brescia. The red and whites have the same points as Ascoli and one less than Ternana. But in order to avoid calculations and crossovers, to have the certainty of competing in the playouts even as fourth to last, three points are needed. However, the so-called “race of life” will be necessary. We listened to the opinion of some glorious former captains: from Giorgio De Trizio (red and white captain from 1985 to 1989), Antonio Di Gennaro (from 1988 to 1990), Pietro Maiellaro (from 1990 to 1991), Antonio known as Totò Lopez (from 1983 to 1985) and the flag par excellence, Giovanni Loseto, captain from 1992 to 1993. Some of them were categorical when asked about future scenarios, but all without distinction formed a common front in believing in the undertaking. We asked our interlocutors two questions: 1) How does Bari get to the match against Brescia, what chances do they have of winning this match and in any play-outs?; 2)Future scenarios?

Giorgio De Trizio

1) «I have always reasoned with my heart and passion, Bari has a duty to believe in it. If we thought about the return round and the recent matches it would be natural to have doubts. However, I believe that the players, individually, have their qualities but have not managed to show them off, as well as having had many injuries that would have affected anyone including the coaches. In any case, we will have to take to the field with a knife between our teeth, driven by pride and by the warm support and by a desire not to drown. We will think about the playouts later. But I put my trust in Captain Di Cesare, Vicari, Benali, and others, so that they can act as a driving force for the other teammates to achieve the goal.”
2) «At Bari the current ownership is no longer popular with the public but I don’t find out, it’s a fact. Certainly among the greatest responsibilities attributed to them is that they were little present and could have related differently. For the rest you can make mistakes, you then have to be intelligent in not falling for it again and understanding what to do, both in moving forward or in folding.”

Antonio Di Gennaro

1) «There is only one result available to be able to think of saving oneself or returning to winning. Three points that would give the conviction to face the play-offs with greater confidence and awareness. I don’t dare imagine a relegation even if it’s a hypothesis we can’t discard. With Cittadella, however, I still saw a Bari who was mentally exhausted and who at times didn’t run much (with some players, ed.). We will need a match without sparing ourselves until the final whistle and without making calculations. Only then will we catapult ourselves to the remaining two races. Regardless of the opponent that awaits her, mentality must be the fundamental aspect.”
2) «In the event of relegation, a chasm would open up and it would certainly be a failure. The company’s plan was to bring us back to “A” in three years. Last season we were touching the sky but with 100 seconds left we all know how it ended. This year was supposed to be a year to provide continuity and at least aim for the playoffs but instead we just have to cling to the playouts. The hope, however, remains double: salvation even at the last corner and starting again aiming for redemption with the company that invests. Otherwise, in the case of relegation, it would be really difficult to venture and speculate, but it would certainly be a difficult situation to manage at a corporate level.”

Pietro Maiellaro known as “The Tsar”

1) «It’s a vital match, but the ones that will be worth the season will have to be the next two of the playouts. It’s also true that the team hasn’t won since mid-February. However, tomorrow evening at San Nicola must be experienced as a final and the players will have to try to instill fear in their opponents from the first minute, remaining focused with the sole objective of achieving all that is at stake. You need to go onto the pitch as if you were waging a sporting war, with this mentality and attention to detail you will also be able to win in the playout final.”
2) «I repeat my thoughts and say that the company was not clear this summer. Then during construction he tried to make up for it by doing worse and changing many technicians. There are certainly crazy years in football but luck is built, it doesn’t come by chance. I don’t care who stays or goes. I have my say as a former Bari player and captain, I am very attached to the square and the city and deserve other stages and different ambitions.”

Totò Lopez

1) «Brescia is eighth in the standings but can still aspire to sixth place and during the week I heard statements from former coach Maran to the players to increase the challenge and instill fear in our team. I say that they will have to go down without any awe and giving 200% because compared to their direct competitors, Bari will find the hungriest team. It is forbidden to settle and make calculations, because we would immediately pay the price. It must be the match of a lifetime and only in this way will the chances of playing a playout to win it and not to participate in it increase.”
2) «The club should think about saving the category after what happened this season: four coaches, a slew of injuries and the word victory which has become a rarity. I believe that not even the best director would have thought of such a script after having come close to the “A” last year and risked relegation. Bari sold and let go of all the best players, without adequately replacing them. I will be categorical: in B or C the De Laurentiis family must leave Bari and leave us in reliable hands. I hope for salvation and in a future without the De Laurentiis family.”

Giovanni Loseto

1) «Not very well I would say based on what we saw on the field. However, I hope that Giampaolo, captain Di Cesare and the team manage to achieve victory against Brescia, without being influenced by the results of Ternana and Ascoli which on paper will have easier matches. The right attitude was missing and we dragged the wound of last June for a long time. But I’m sure that this team can do it and the three points against Brescia could be the best starting point.”
2) «I have always been of the opinion that Bari must look forward, the presidents, coaches and players themselves pass on, but the attachment and pride in the city’s team remains. For me, having played and worked on it subsequently, I experience it first-hand especially when things aren’t going well. The future? I hope it is more prosperous and becomes competitive again.”

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