Security, 50 new cameras are needed to cover all the gray areas in the city

Security, 50 new cameras are needed to cover all the gray areas in the city
Security, 50 new cameras are needed to cover all the gray areas in the city

PORDENONE – There is still work to be done. Yes, because if it’s true that the city area is equipped with an extensive network of cameras linked to both protection and safety, as well as traffic control, it must immediately be said that although several have been replaced in the last two years, the overall number and quality of several is not at all satisfactory. Overall, there are 105 cameras installed and functioning in the city at the end of 2023, many more than in 2020 when the overall number was 88. According to an estimate based at least another fifty would be needed in the gray areas not yet controlled in Pordenone, all of the latest generation, high definition and that the image is clear and sharp even during the night. This means a cost that can range from three thousand to 10 thousand euros per camera, depending on the optics, the shooting distance and the ability to have a clear view. Then they must also be mounted and connected to the control panel. And here is the second problem. The control room is currently not adequate to be able to add other viewing screens, in addition to the fact that more staff would be needed to work on that service.


It is true, as mentioned, that the older ones have already been replaced, but equally true that currently in various parts of the city there are at least forty devices that are no longer suitable for the control service because they have a vision that – from afar – in fact it is of little use, just as they are almost useless during the night despite having been guaranteed with the possibility of infrared. After all, this sector is always evolving.


Requests from other law enforcement agencies, Carabinieri, Police and Guardia di Finanza to be able to view the cameras of the Municipality, the only body that has a widespread network, to complete investigations or carry out checks are also growing. If in 2020 there were more or less 145 viewing requests, last year there were over 160. It would be very interesting to know in how many cases the use of cameras was decisive in positively closing an investigation (theft, fights, vandalism) but these are data that are not provided, even if those in the know explain that the success of a case using video surveillance stops from 5 to 7 percent (in general), both due to the age of the system, and the fact that the camera often doesn’t work, and because a substantial part of those who commit crimes have now taken into account doing some checks on video surveillance in the area.


The fact remains that the commander of the Municipal Police Maurizio Zorzetto, after having organized the command and significantly expanded the task and presence of his agents in the city (and Cordenons) would have already made the administration aware of the need to give a more substantial structure to the city ​​circuit of video surveillance, continuing to change those that are now too old and not very useful and placing new ones in the sites where they are still missing. A point that the municipal administration, sensitive to safety, would have already placed among the next priorities, also in light of the fact that now there is not a day in which in Pordenone between vandalism, fights between foreigners and risk areas there isn’t some intervention to be done.


It is certainly true that having completed the staff of Pordenone municipal police officers has allowed us to have more people on the streets and therefore to control both traffic and parking in the city much better. However, the fact remains that the progression in the numbers of fines which in 2023 brought in an extra million euros to the Municipality is impressive. In 2020 the reports were 14,201, the following year 15,296, in 2022 they rose to 18,827 to arrive, unbelievably, at 40,127 last year compared to an overall increase in working hours of the entire local police force of approximately 7,500 hours. A clear sign that much of the “dirty work” (i.e. fines) was done by the “parking guards”, i.e. the GSM men who had the prefectural dispensation to be able to issue the fines. Last data. Reports from citizens via email decreased in 2023 to 1,900 compared to 3,726 three years ago.


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