Pordenone: three evenings with the CAI from 9 May / Pordenone / Weekly magazine of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone

Pordenone: three evenings with the CAI from 9 May / Pordenone / Weekly magazine of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone
Pordenone: three evenings with the CAI from 9 May / Pordenone / Weekly magazine of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone

9,16 and 23 May: the dates to talk about science and nature with the CAI of Pordenone to discover large carnivores, the Grado lagoon and the effects of climate change

The spring video-cinematic review, three meetings every Thursday from 9 to 23 May, aims to explore two systems that represent a fundamental combination: Science & Nature. Science as a system of knowledge obtained through observation and research activities and Nature as the set of living beings, animals and plants, and inanimate things.
First meeting on May 9thby title “The return of the Large Carnivores”, a story in images about the great mountain predators, to rediscover their habitats and habits, in search of a possible coexistence with Man. The protagonists of the evening will be: Gabriele Menis, photojournalist and professional photographer who has cultivated a strong passion for the Great North and snow since he was a child. He has been studying and immortalizing bears in their environment for more than ten years between Slovenia, Croatia, Canada, the United States, Abruzzo and Friuli-Venezia Giulia with great attention to the protection of their natural habitat. Davide Palumbo, biologist, expert in vertebrate fauna, who has been involved in research on large carnivores since 2002 and is an expert communicator of issues related to the conservation of biodiversity. The May 16th appointment with Michele Zanetti, essayist, writer, naturalist whose “supreme aspiration is the “conversion of the world” to naturalistic culture, but also to the defense of biodiversity and the beauty that the natural system, the only true divinity of this planet, expresses”. Will present Trees and Woods of Friuli-Venezia Giulia – From the Grado Lagoon to the Friulian Dolomites, narrated multivision that will lead viewers on a virtual excursion into the rich reality of the Friulian forest landscape, to discover a heritage to be known and defended. The altitudinal range between sea level and 2700 meters is characterized by notable environmental diversity. The endowment of forest vegetation is therefore rich, with dozens of tree species and woodland formations, in addition to those due to the millenary work of man. In the meeting of May 23, Dario Gasparo – biologist, popularizer, photographer and videomaker – will try to answer some of the crucial questions we are all asking ourselves. What is the reality of the situation we are facing? How do living organisms adapt to rapid global warming? With a series of animations and dynamic graphics from ESA and NASA, Gasparo will propose the theme “Evidence of climate change: what the science says” starting from the historical past to imagine the future as calculated by hundreds of researchers from the IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – who carry out their research all over the world.

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