Salerno, deputy inspector stabbed in the embrace of the police

You are never ready for certain news. Even if you come from a police family. And when your home phone rings in the middle of the night, you know to expect only the worst. Mother Michela’s cry of pain shook the silence of the whole place Giovi neighborhood, in the upper suburbs of the city, among villas and residential parks. It is here that some neighbors whisper to those asking for information: “they are devastated by pain, they can’t even speak”. For parents and Christian Di Martino’s sister time stopped just before dawn yesterday when the police commissioner of Milan, Giuseppe Petronzi, he had to make that phone call that no police officer would ever want to make in his life. Immediately the car of State Police she got to work. At 9 in the morning a car made available by the Salerno police station went to collect him Pope Aurelius At home. The man, also a policeman, retired only a few months ago after years of service to the Mobile Department of Naples, distraught and unaware of what he would find upon his arrival in Milan, he got into the blue car and was accompanied with sirens blaring.Capodichino airport where the police chief, Stefano Pisani, had placed a plane at his disposal. His wife remained at home, Michela Santoro, and her daughter Nadia. The Salerno police station has also arranged for them to be transferred to Milan today, with some additional difficulties because their mother has health problems.


The first to arrive at Di Martino’s house was the police commissioner of Salerno, Giancarlo Conticchio. Michela Santoro, the mother, did not stop crying even for a moment, sharing her pain with her daughter Nadia who remained with her at home. Not even a word or a comment, her words left me choked with tears. A hug, psychological help and for them too the organizational machine was immediately set in motion to reach their father Aurelio in Milan to whom the state police also offered assistance with regards to his domicile. Christian’s girlfriend, with whom he also spoke, kept him company at the door of the Niguarda Intensive Care Unit the police chief Pisani. Christian had moved to Milan for work in 2013 and decided to build his life and career here.


Hasan Hamisthe 37-year-old Moroccan is now under arrest on charges of attempted murder of the deputy inspector, from the investigations of the Milan’s police headquarters it emerged that he was present in the database with numerous aliases. He has precedents for aggravated robbery, theft, personal injury, narcotics and kidnapping and was convicted of drug and property crimes for which, from 2013 to 2020, he was detained several times in the Prison of Poggioreale in Naples and Ariano Irpino in Avellino. He was arrested and photographed for the first time in Italy on 18 December 2002 in Naples and, since then, he has remained in Italy as an illegal citizen. At his expense, the prefect of Naples he had adopted two expulsion orders in 2004 and 2012; so the prefect of Avellino, in July 2023 when, since there were no places available in the CPR, the Avellino police commissioner’s order to leave Italy within seven days was executed. The 37-year-old had never shown signs of being present in the Milanese province and was tracked down and checked mostly in Campania.

Battipaglia, stopped for a check found with a false document: arrested

The Immigration Office of the Avellino Police Headquarters had activated, in 2021, the identification procedures at Moroccan Consulate, with a negative outcome, as the request had not received feedback from the Moroccan diplomatic authority. Finally, last May 5, he was reported for resisting a public official by the police officers Bologna Railway Police.


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