Palermo weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 11 May


Saturday 11 May in Palermo promises to be a day of good weather, with clear skies and no precipitation. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​fluctuating between +15.2°C hey +21.5°C. The relative humidity of the air will be around 60-85%while the atmospheric pressure will be stable on 1016-1019hPa.

In the early hours of the day, starting from night and until the morning, the sky will be completely clear, with temperatures hovering around +15-17°C. During the morning, the sky will remain clear and temperatures will gradually increase, reaching +20-21°C.

In the afternoon and evening, the weather conditions in Palermo will remain stable, with clear skies and temperatures that will remain around +20°C. The wind will blow at light speed, with gusts that will not exceed 9km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Saturday 11 May in Palermo indicates a day characterized by good weather conditions, with clear skies and pleasant temperatures. The atmospheric conditions will remain stable over the next few days, with temperatures continuing to be mild and no precipitation. We recommend enjoying a pleasant day outdoors, taking advantage of the favorable climate that will characterize the city of Palermo.

All the weather data for Saturday 11 May in Palermo

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