Prato weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 11 May


Saturday 11th May in Prato promises to be a day of good weather, with clear skies and few clouds. Temperatures will rise during the day, with values ​​hovering around +25.5°C in the early afternoon. Cloud cover will be minimal, with a maximum of 30% scheduled for the evening.

During the morning, the wind will blow from the North East with increasing intensity, reaching peaks of 21km/h in the first part of the day. In the afternoon and evening, the wind speed will decrease, however remaining at moderate levels with gusts up to 10.7km/h.

Precipitation will be absent for the entire day, with humidity remaining around 40-50% during the central hours of the day, and then rises slightly in the evening until 68%.

The weather forecast for the next few days in Prato indicates that the conditions of good weather and clear skies will continue, with temperatures slightly increasing and winds that will tend to calm down. We recommend enjoying a pleasant day outdoors on Saturday, taking advantage of the favorable weather conditions.

All the weather data for Saturday 11 May in Prato

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