Bologna weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 11 May


Saturday 11 May in Bologna promises to be a day of good weather, with clear skies and few clouds. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​that will fluctuate between +13.3°C and +23.1°C. Cloud cover will average around 10-20%, with humidity hovering around 50-70%.

Morning and Afternoon
During the morning and afternoon, the sky will be clear with few clouds, and temperatures will gradually increase until reaching +23.1°C around 2pm. The wind will blow mainly from the East, with an intensity varying between 6 and 10 km/h.

Evening and Night
In the late afternoon and evening, cloud cover will increase slightly to 24%, but no precipitation is expected. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching +14.5°C around 11pm. The wind will continue to come from the South – South West, with a speed of around 8 km/h.

Based on the current weather forecast, we can say that Saturday 11 May in Bologna will be characterized by stable and pleasant weather conditions, ideal for spending time outdoors. Stay updated for further information on the weather for the next few days in Bologna.

All the weather data for Saturday 11 May in Bologna

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