the common front that the country needs

There’s a crime alarm in Milan. The Lombard regional councilor for security Romano La Russa launched it afterwards the stabbing of the Salerno police deputy inspector at the Lambrate station. The Milanese metropolitan city is struggling with thugs, both non-EU and non-EU citizens, but also robberies, attacks on women and thefts. But yesterday, just a few hours later, more blood and violence, this time in Naples where 4 people were injured in a Camorra ambush.

From north to south, crime and security alarms with different characteristics. Two criminal incidents, one a Milan and the other to Naples, which make it clear that we cannot be lulled into the cliché about dangerous cities in only one part of Italy. This is confirmed by the statistics of the Interior Ministry which place Milan in first place among the metropolitan areas with more crimes and complaints compared to the resident population. According to data on Italian crime collected by the Ministry of the Interior, in the last year they have been presented in Milan 6991.3 reports of crimes per one hundred thousand inhabitants, for a total number of 225,078 complaints.

It means that there is a crime problem that we need to pay attention to everywhere if, in the same ranking, it is in second place Rimini with 6246.4 complaints per one hundred thousand inhabitants and in third place Rome with 5485.4, again per one hundred thousand inhabitants. To find Naples in the general ranking, we must go to tenth place with 5479.1 complaints per one hundred thousand inhabitants, for 135,980 total complaints.

It is surprising that a city like Rimini, almost never the protagonist of crime news of national importance, reaches second place for thefts and third for robberies and malicious injuries. But Naples, although tenth in terms of total crimes, is unfortunately first in Italy in mafia association files and this makes us understand how each city experiences problems of different criminal quality, linked to the different types of most widespread crimes. Precisely for this reason, remember the statistic of Interior Ministry it does not mean wanting to make instrumental territorial comparisons for a contrast between north and south, but only to note how cliché and prejudice distort the balanced vision of reality.

Too often we are prisoners of sitting stories, of pre-packaged certainties that prevent the correct analysis of what Italy is today. Yet, in the Viminale ranking, breaking down the figures on the individual crimes reported, Milan is in first place for thefts and robberies, and fourth for sexual violence. News of sexual assaults on girls in the Milan metropolitan area are frequent and many now also know what the phenomenon of ethnic and neighborhood-based Milanese metropolitan gangs is which, due to the continuous violent clashes between gangs, make the Milanese nights dangerous. Ascertaining this from Naples would be a useless exercise consolatorybecause it would be naive to flatten Italian criminal reality into the famous Hegelian night where all cows are black. Every city in Italy has its security problems. Crime, of different quality in every Italian city, is a common problem, which must be addressed by a common front. In the north, center and south of the country. Then, the specificities and the different historical contexts that each investigator must investigate must be taken into account.

Thus, in the statistical comparison, Naples is in second place behind Milan in terms of number of robberies, but in eighth place for thefts and far behind, eighty-fourth place, for sexual violence. Unfortunately, and this confirms the differences in historical context, the Neapolitan metropolitan area finds itself in the unenviable top position in the crime of smuggling as in the files on the Camorra clans. Specificity, it was said, to understand that every Italian city experiences its own different crime problem which requires different analyzes and solutions. The perception of crime and safety also makes a difference, and a lot of it, i.e. how one feels the danger of suffering crimes in one’s city. Also in this case, the Ministry of the Interior, this time in collaboration with Eurispes, has developed a study which explains how “the feeling of insecurity does not often seem to have a direct confirmation in reality”. There is a different one perception of safety in the various Italian cities, often not linked to real data on existing crime, but based on news and stories, more or less repeated, of criminal episodes. And therefore it is not surprising that the study by the Interior Ministry has verified that, beyond the aforementioned statistics on the territorial crime index, the repetitiveness of the news on some crimes, limited to some areas of the country, has produced more fear of becoming victims of crimes 30 percent higher in the south than in other areas of Italy. This statistical imbalance of perception on north-south security must give rise to reflection, precisely because the entire country must be united in the fight against crime.


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