“A privilege to coach Busto Arsizio”

Bustocca first day for coach Giovanni Caprarawho arrived in the city today to carry out a first, short training session with the Farfalle present and above all for the presentation press conference in the spaces of the E-Work Arena.

The president welcomed the new red and white coach Giuseppe Pirolathe CEO Gianluigi Viganòthe sports director Carmelo Borruto and the general manager Mattia Moro.

The first words are from Giuseppe Pirola, satisfied with the arrival of a coach of Caprara’s caliber: «I am happy with the choice and even in previous seasons I have always had the desire to have a coach of this caliber quality, who also knows the world of volleyball very well. In our first meeting Giovanni told me that he has always had the desire to coach this team, in this arena, I understood that it was really the right choice. As a club we welcome a coach today demanding, who wants to play volleyball well and who takes care of every detail in preparing for each match. There we will commit to put him in a position to be able to work at his best.”

Pirola’s words are echoed by those of DS Borruto who for years was Caprara’s assistant in various clubs and who therefore knows the coach very well: «When I was called to become sporting director and we sat around a table to design the UYBA of the future, the first name that came to mind was precisely the one from Caprara. What has always struck me about him is his directness and his professionalism. When we heard it was simple to get in tune for the project and then we found a solution for everything else too. I thank him for accepting and I thank the company. Now let’s hope that the field proves us right.”

The word then passed to Giovanni Caprara which he underlined his desire to be able to do something extraordinary in an arena where he played as an opponent many times and which has always fascinated him: «For me he is great privilege come to Busto. I am deeply in love with this arena, whose colors I love. I love the atmosphere you breathe and in over 25 years of high-level career, the only one The trophy that thrilled me was Busto’s championship Years ago. Seeing a group of players who had never won anything reach the top step of the podium and do such an extraordinary thing struck me, just as I was struck by seeing the great team work done by the management, technical staff and athletes.”

Coach Caprara also expressed his desire to succeed build a team starting from a group of girls with great potential still to be developed. When asked what he expects for the new season, coach Caprara admitted that he doesn’t know yet, but he is certain of one thing: «We shouldn’t expect to do wonderful things right away, but we must try to grow every day And every day try to do better than the previous one”.

In short, UYBA 2024/2025 will not yet be the team from which to immediately expect great victories, but it will be a team called to give their best every daywhere each of the people who are part of the team will work for the good of the club.

«I want the girls to come to the gym every day with the aim of improving. I have the responsibility to indicate to each of them what their role is and what their responsibilities are towards the group. Work hard with your heart every day, always push and acquire technical steps day by day to become more competitive”.

In short, coach Caprara has very clear ideas and in the three-year period that links him to Busto, he has the aim of leaving his mark and why not, remaining coach of UYBA for many more years, in search of that feat wonderful from Yamamay 2012 by Parisi.

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