Palermo, ok to budget changes

09 May 2024, 9.52pm

1 minute read

PALERMO – There are social projects, those on the reconstruction of the south coast, a ministerial fund for culture, the former Gescal now remodelled, contributions for the cemeteries emergency, assistance for disabled students and various public works, including the reconstruction of the Oreto bridge.

The Palermo city council gave the green light to the budget changes, amid protests from the opposition: a delicate step, given that the forecast approved in mid-March was practically frozen and left the task of realigning the numbers of a forecast approved by the council in November last year, therefore lacking some funds.

Tantillo: “Common economic engine”

“With the approval of the budget changes, a further important step is taken to return the Municipality to being an economic engine of the city – comments the prime minister Giulio Tantillo -. New services, new resources for subsidiaries, an important boost to public works in key sectors such as mobility and local security”.

“Thanks to these changes to the budget – continues Tantillo – new services for the weakest social groups will find coverage, it will be possible to sign service contracts with companies and above all it will be possible to start important works and purchases that will guarantee new liveability and new services for everyone: from the bridge over the Oreto to the car parks, from the interventions on the cemeteries which have finally returned to normal, up to the sports facilities and the strengthening of separate waste collection”.

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09 May 2024, 9.52pm

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