Sacile. Scabies at school, three students infected at the Della Valentina institute, but the notice to families comes after a week

SACILE – Scabies at school. Yesterday parents, teachers and staff of the Piero Della Valentina Institute, the Ipsia in Viale Zancanaro, received the notice…

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SACILE – The scabies at school. Yesterday parents, teachers and school staffPiero Della Valentina Institute, the Ipsia in viale Zancanaro, received the notice signed by the school director Simonetta Polmonari which reported the presence of “some cases of scabies” at the school. As Asfo later clarified, it is about three boys belonging to two different classes, one from outside the region. The circular specified that all the necessary countermeasures had been taken following the indications of the infectious disease prevention service, since the onset of the first case. In essence, the disinfection of the premises frequented by the first young man who discovered himself ill and who evidently had time to transmit the disease to the other two. The letter to the families instead arrived after about a week, “having evidence, in recent days, of the increase in cases of infection”. The doubt remains whether it would not be appropriate to intervene earlier at least with communication, so as to raise the level of attention of families.


Illness linked to particular mitesscabies causes an annoying, continuous itching which is initially localized between the fingers and toes and occurs mostly at night, but later spreads over the whole body, favoring the curves and hollows and also shows up in the daytime hours. More annoying than dangerous, this disease must always be reported to the health authority because it is often highly contagious. As stated in the prophylaxis instructions sent to families by the health authority, «it is recommended to immediately go to the general practitioner. Students can only be welcomed to school after the necessary treatments have been administered.” In general, scabies is a disease that can affect any age, regardless of personal hygiene conditions.


What is certain is that for the families interested, meeting her is often an ordeal, especially in the presence of multiple children. So that one of the indications given by the health company is to prevent siblings from exchanging clothing, while the other is the recommendation to sleep alone if you have not started treatment. Other indications concern the need to wash what you wear and your sheets every day, items that must be subjected to washing machine cycles of more than 60 degrees. What cannot be washed at those temperatures will be closed in a waterproof bag for 7 days. It is necessary to intervene quickly and well both with the use of special ointments and by sanitizing the environment where you live and often changing the clothes worn and the sheets.

Rovigo. Scabies alarm at school, two cases in the “Miani” primary classes


The three boys from the Sacile Institute will miss at least two days of lessons: in fact, the protocol provides that they can return to school only after the second day from the start of the treatment. Prophylactic treatment must also be followed by other family members, even in the absence of symptoms. Scabies is the work of mites that burrow tunnels into the skin and their eggs, has an incubation period that can range from 2 to 6 weeks and generally heals after two treatments of a couple of days each, spaced a week apart. The itching often persists for a fortnight after treatment. In a sick person, 10 or 15 mites can be found in the best case scenario, but there are also thousands of them. Contagion occurs both through direct and indirect contact, for example through clothing and things touched by the infected person. Fortunately, according to Asfo reports, the cases recorded in the Sacile school are not particularly serious and contagious, but maximum hygiene has certainly been recommended for both people and school environments.


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