Does Ida Platano reciprocate Pierpaolo Siano’s alleged dig? The picture

Does Ida Platano reciprocate Pierpaolo Siano’s alleged dig? The picture
Does Ida Platano reciprocate Pierpaolo Siano’s alleged dig? The picture

In the latest episodes of Men and women we were able to follow the events of the troubled Throne of Ida Platano: after eliminating Mario Cusitore – who confessed the veracity of the report that saw him leaving a B&B in the company of a woman – Ida was the protagonist of a furious argument with Pierpaolo Siano. But let’s start from the beginning.

After Cusitore’s elimination, Ida asked for a confrontation with Pierpaolo Siano: once in the studio, the suitor harshly attacked the Lady, storming out of the studio and literally pointing the finger at the Tronista: “Learn to be a woman Siano declared, causing the frost to descend in the studio. Disappointed and embittered by the situation, Ida Platano has decided to abandon the Throne. A few hours after the episode was broadcast, Pierpaolo returned to social media: “Respect is an act of love. What you sow, you reap”.

The not-so-veiled dig from the now ex-suitor did not go unnoticed, as did the alleged response from Ida Platano, who wrote these words in a story on Instagram: “Every time that someone will try to belittle you, let them, smile as you smile at the village madman, with tenderness. What I love about you is that you find the worst in people and make them better. You have always been a bit messed up and now you no longer want to fix the chaos inside you, because now you like it and you have understood that whoever wants you doesn’t change you. Stay as you are, do it for the good of all of us. You will see that all the good you do will come back to you.” declared the former Tronista in the dedication to herself. Will it really be a response to Siano’s digs? In the meantime, below you will find the stories in question.

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