shock sentence from the bodyguard in court in the divorce from Brad Pitt

shock sentence from the bodyguard in court in the divorce from Brad Pitt
shock sentence from the bodyguard in court in the divorce from Brad Pitt

The legal battle between the two Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt is gradually coming to an end. Among the various points disputed by the two actors there are also: children, who appear to have been held back by their mum from dating their famous dad. The indiscretion came from the Mirror, which reported some statements that were leaked from the Superior Court of Los Angeles.

The voices

It all started with the former bodyguard Tony Webb, who worked for the families of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt for 20 years with his security agency Global Security. The man told how his old colleague Ross Foster heard the actress tell her children not to frequent and not give too much confidence to their father during his custody visits. A detail that pushed some of his company’s employees to go and testify at the trial. Too bad, however, that their intent was stopped by the landlady herself. In fact, as soon as Jolie learned of their wishes, she fired them.

Tony Webb said in court: “My work with Jolie began with one-on-one assignments, typically on film sets. Around 2012, however, my work for her increased and I also began to take care of her family’s safety, especially when the couple and her children left the United States. Based on my close contact with Ms. Jolie’s family, including Mr. Pitt, I became aware that, in approximately 2016, they were divorcing. After their divorce, my company continued to provide services to their family. It was at that time that I became aware of the rumours.”

The threats

Angelina Jolie’s personal assistant, Michael Viera, tried to convince the men not to go and testify, threatening to report them. “I tried to explain to Mr. Viera – said Tony Webb – that I couldn’t stop my employees from going to testify.”

But, soon after, the company stopped working for Angelina Jolie. “I also wrote to her that it saddened me that we had drifted apart in recent years,” Webb continued, “and that I knew she blamed me for what my independent contractors had done. Jolie simply replied: ‘Take care of yourself’.”

Child custody has always been a point of discussion between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Only last month the Hollywood actor declared that he no longer wants shared custody of his children with his ex-wife, as some of them have reached the age of majority and can decide independently with whom to spend their family time.


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