Healthcare, almost three thousand hires in Roman hospitals, half in emergencies

A extraordinary plan for the regional healthcare and for the hiring of personal. «The largest investment in the public sector of the last 20 years»: this is how he defined it president of the region, Francesco Rocca, following a meeting with the unions. The most incisive intervention will be in the sectors ofemergency and gods emergency roombut also in that of diagnostics. In order to try to break down the waiting listsstill too long despite the entry – at the beginning of 2024 – of all the agendas of private individuals affiliated with the Recovery.

Almost ten thousand new entries

They will be 9,700 new entries Between white coats and other professionals by 2025, the year in which the Capital will host the Jubilee and so millions of pilgrims. An overall increase of 17 percent. Yesterday Rocca signed all the authorizations, the plan is “operational immediately, just enough time to provide for the competitions” which “will be company by company: I am against the competitions”, assures the governor before responding to the criticisms of those who have always defined him as too attentive to private healthcare: «For me, public health is central». The big batch will bring healthcare personnel from the current ones 53 thousand (and more) employed to the future 62. 600with an investment of 466 million.

In Rome more than half of the hirings for the emergency

In terms of human resources, the largest investments (more than half) will go to theemergency. In fact, in Roman hospitals 2,752 hirings 1,553 will be intended for emergency room of San Giovanni and San Camillo (where the new stroke unit with 34 intensive and sub-intensive care beds was inaugurated yesterday), Policlinico Tor Vergata and Sant’Andreabut also Spallanzani and Ifo, and will be divided as follows: 242 emergency medicine doctors and 166 anesthetists. Precisely the figures that are already the most difficult to find today. Exactly like them nurses: 1,145 will be hired, of which 400 only at the Policlinico Umberto I.

«New technicians for prevention: crucial workplace safety»

Me too’Ares 118 will be strengthened in Rome with the arrival of ten emergency doctors and 226 stretcher bearers (on a regional basis the reinforcements will be 310 doctors, 805 nurses and 200 drivers). Almost 300 opportunities for social and healthcare workers in the capital. And then, among others, also «93 prevention technicians in addition, in addition to 17 that we stabilize: the job security it is a fundamental theme”, says President Rocca, alluding to the many white deaths reported in the news in recent weeks, both the fire which, last December, put the hospital in Tivoli and caused the death of three patients.

The opening of 59 operations centers begins

The plan just launched not only provides for the strengthening of hospitals throughout the region, but also aims toopening of 59 power plants territorial operations, 131 houses and 35 community hospitals in addition to the commissioning, thanks to dedicated technicians, of 298 large appliances: all objectives of mission 6 of Pnrr.

«Concrete signal of attention towards citizens»

“The new hires are a concrete sign of attention to the health of citizens and healthcare personnel”, comments the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci. And also the CGILto whom Rocca communicated the hiring numbers in advance, applauds the plan: «Finally Lazio returns to investing in public health: the first step in the direction that we have indicated to the Region for over a year for a real relaunch of the service healthcare and which is the result of trade union mobilization”. All that remains is to understand where the professionals to be hired will be found given that the sector has been around for some time in suffering. «We will take whoever is available, even from other regions», filters from Rocca’s entourage. The problem, however, is national.

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