Natural remedies against seasonal allergies, the proposals of Essenza Monviso –

Natural remedies against seasonal allergies, the proposals of Essenza Monviso –
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Welcome to the world of natural remedies against seasonal allergies, presented with care and dedication by Monviso essence, an organic farm that has made its passion for the mountains its distinctive brand. In the heart of the Alps, among the majestic peaks of Monviso, stands Essenza Monviso, an oasis of biodiversity and well-being where natural remedies against allergies come to life, the result of Dr. Elisa Tarasco.


Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties it is used in inflammation of the mucous membranes, offering relief in cases of cough, bronchial catarrh, chronic bronchitis, allergies and sinusitis.
Thanks to its expectorant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, this plant stands out for its versatility in supporting your health.
There Plantain, even for external use, transforms into a touch of natural care. Healing, soothing, anti-itching and decongestant, it is ideal for dermatoses, small skin lesions, acne and eye and eyelid inflammation, even of an allergic nature.

Primrose flowers

There Primrose, thanks to its unique composition, gives your well-being sedative, vulnerary, calming and expectorant properties. It’s like a gentle touch from nature to relieve tension and improve health.
The leaves, carefully collected in spring before flowering, the rhizomes taken in winter and the delicate flowers, all expertly dried in dark and well-ventilated places, are used in the preparation of Essenza Monviso products. Every step, from harvesting to the drying process, is taken care of to ensure maximum purity and potency.
Experience the magic of Primula through the decoction of the roots, a natural resource to combat bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
Infusions of Primula leaves and flowers become your ally against insomnia, colds and migraines.

Viola tricolor

There Pansy It has a blood purifying action, a precious ally against inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. It is expectorant, diuretic, emollient and gently fights cradle cap and other skin conditions in children.
Taste the infusion of Pansy to make the most of its expectorant properties. A gentle and natural treatment for bronchitis, coughs and cold symptoms.
Purifying remedies after the winter. Eating habits in the winter period lead to eating fattier foods, eating more due to the holidays, and also being more sedentary due to the cold climate and shorter days.
It is necessary in the spring period to purify the body with natural remedies.

Mallow flowers and leaves

The benefits of Mauve are revealed through its emollient properties, which work magically from the inside, giving delicate relief to the stomach and intestines. A hug of well-being that soothes and protects the soft tissues of your body.
Experience the anti-inflammatory magic of Mauvegives relief to the stomach and intestines, feeling the warmth of a natural cure that releases from the inside out.

Dandelion leaves

Dandelion, a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, reveals itself as an extraordinary ally for the well-being of your liver.
With its purifying properties, the Dandelion becomes a real support for liver health. It stimulates biliary, liver and kidney function, starting a purification process that frees your body from waste and toxins.
The bitter-tonic and digestive properties of dandelion make it a precious aid for your digestion. It stimulates the secretions of all the glands of the gastrointestinal system, promoting correct assimilation of nutrients and producing a secondary laxative action that contributes to your intestinal comfort.
The purifying, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties of Dandelion make it a real ally in the fight against liver failure, jaundice and gallstones. It also promotes the elimination of waste such as sugars, triglycerides, cholesterol and uric acids, making it a trusted hepatoprotective plant.

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