The most common rental contracts in large Italian cities — idealista/news

The most common rental contracts in large Italian cities — idealista/news
The most common rental contracts in large Italian cities — idealista/news

Rental agreements in the spotlight in 2023, a trend that reflects the ever-increasing popularity of the choice to rent a home in the absence of the possibility of purchasing it, or as a lifestyle choice. According to the Tecnocasa Research Office, in 2023 65.6 percent of rental contracts were stipulated for housing choices, the 25.5 percent are travel workers and 8.9 percent are linked to university students.

Rental contracts in Italy

Compared to 2022, Tecnocasa highlights an increase in the percentage of contracts stipulated by students; in fact, it will go from 7.6% in 2022 to 8.9% in 2023. The share of rentals to workers is substantially stable travellers (25.5%), while as already mentioned, the majority of contracts concern those who choose to rent as housing solution for personal reasons or for economic needs (65.6%).

The cities where a house is rented the most

Among the metropolises, the cities in which the percentage of those who rent for work reasons is highest are Bologna (52.8%), Bari (42.9%), Milan (40.8%) and Florence (36.2%). As regards renting to university students, the most active cities are Verona (32.9%), Turin (29.6%), Milan (19.4%) and Florence (19.0%). In Milan, compared to 2022, the percentage of rentals to students decreased from 25.7% to 19.4%, while the percentage of rentals to traveling workers increased slightly. The cities where the percentages of rentals by housing choice are highest are Naples (79.4%), Palermo (75.9%) and Rome (65.3%). In Rome, 2023 shows a decline in the percentage of contracts with students, which goes from 11.0% to 9.7%, while the share of rentals with traveling workers remains unchanged (25%).

Types of rental contract

The data on contracts stipulated in 2023 in Italy see a further contraction of those to free fee (went from 51.9% in 2019 to 42.3% in 2023) and a significant increase in the percentage of contracts of a transitory nature (from 18.4% to 29.1%). The increase in temporary contracts is related to a growing appreciation for shorter and more flexible contract types, but also by the increase in the presence of university students. Agreed fee contracts, on the other hand, recorded a contraction (28.6%), while in the previous 3 years they exceeded 30-31%. In any case, the most stipulated contract in Italy remains the free-fee contract, which in 2023 stands at 42.3% of the total stipulations.

The analysis of large cities shows how a Bologna and Milan there is a clear prevalence of free-of-charge contract (77.8% and 62.3% respectively), while in Rome it is the agreed rental contract that is most used (64.1%). High rates of contracts a agreed fee also to Genoa and Verona (69.2% and 56.9%). The cities with the highest percentages of transitional contracts are Bari (40.0%), Verona (38.3%) and Milan (36.0%).

Which houses are rented in Italy

In Italy the most rented type is the two-room apartment with 37.8% of the choices, followed by the three-room apartment with 31.2%. Even in previous years, two-room and three-room apartments were the most rented types at a national level. Of note is a progressive increase in the percentage of studio apartment rentals, which goes from 7.5% in 2019 to 9.5% in 2023.

Who rents a house in Italy

Finally, most tenants are aged between 18 and 34 yearsin 2023 it reaches 47.2% of the total rentals stipulated, with percentages progressively decreasing as age increases.

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