Streptococcus, boom in cases among children due to the post-covid effect – Italy-World

Streptococcus, boom in cases among children due to the post-covid effect – Italy-World
Streptococcus, boom in cases among children due to the post-covid effect – Italy-World

(ANSA) – ROME, MAY 07 – Boom in Streptococcus infections, especially to the detriment of younger children, in 2023: with the lack of Covid protections (masks, distancing), a resurgence of the infection was observed, with the 13 -16% of samples tested positive for strep, an incidence similar to pre-pandemic levels. It emerged from a work by the Pediatrics and Microbiology of Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS and Università Cattolica published in Lancet Microbe. The study is based on data collected from 2018 to 2023: the researchers analyzed the incidence of Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) infection, from visits to the pediatric emergency room directed by Antonio Chiaretti, who, in this time period, collected over 1,800 samples. “In the years of the pandemic, 2020-2022 – explains Maurizio Sanguinetti, who coordinated the study together with Chiaretti – we observed a significant reduction in Streptococcus infections, both in terms of the quantity of samples received (due to reduced access to our hospital clinic ), and also a significant reduction in the percentage of positive samples, non-pharmacological protection measures, such as masks, have reduced contact with the microorganism and infection in recent years”. However, the bacterium was then able to raise its guard again, especially affecting the youngest children (3-6 years). “The suspicion is that the children – explains Sanguinetti – having been significantly protected during Covid, have not developed the normal, partially protective immunity against the infection”. (HANDLE).

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