Francesca Chillemi caught with him, it was all true: the photos that frame them emerge

Francesca Chillemi caught with him, it was all true: the photos that frame them emerge
Francesca Chillemi caught with him, it was all true: the photos that frame them emerge
Francesca Chillemi – Source: Instagram –

It was all true what he had declared in the past, the beautiful Francesca Chillemi was pinched right with him, with the most loved of Italians but also of other states. That photo speaks for itself, everyone has seen it.

Francesca Chillemi she is the famous actress, currently engaged in fiction Purple like the sea, which now in its second season is keeping millions of viewers glued to the television. The former Miss Italy, she is not only a beautiful woman but she is also a talented actress as well as a partner in love with her Stefano Rossowith whom he has lived since 2014, as well mom happy with her two children.

Although the actress has always declared that she is happy with her life, many rumors which have been circulating for a while point to an alleged crisis with her partner and a phantom flirtation with her colleague, Can Yaman, for which gossip goes crazy. The Turkish actor himself took care of fueling the fantasies of the fans, who during his last guest appearance at very true from Silvia Toffaninrevealed that he is looking for a woman just like Francesca even if: “It’s hard to find someone like her, but when she started working with me she became even more beautiful”revealed the Demir of Purple like the sea.

After this statement, fans immediately noticed this on social media shot with which Francesca shows herself right with him. The connection between the two actors was easy, but will it really be what the followers think? Let’s try to clarify.

Francesca Chillemi caught with him

Francesca Chillemi, has recently been in the spotlight for several reasons. Certainly his return with the second season of the Mediaset fiction, Purple like the seathrilled fans, not to mention monologue which he issued to, Hyenas a few days ago, speaking without filters about what she experienced due to the stereotype of the “pretty girl” that they gave her, making the world understand that there is something in her much more of a beautiful face.

Furthermore, the indiscretion that Francesca and Can Yaman would have had children came a few hours ago discontent on setas revealed by iltempo.itespecially after that interview given to Vanity Fairwhere Chillemi declared: “It’s not me who bewitched him, but Viola. Viola’s empathetic side won him over, her ability to bring out the best in the people she comes into contact with”. In response, an annoyed Yaman retorted: “It’s not true, I wasn’t bewitched by either of them. In fact, perhaps the opposite. However, she didn’t reveal anything, on the contrary, perhaps she dodged it.”. After this revelation, the two have a combination stopped following each other on social media.

Francesca and her past revelation

Obviously all of these rumors take them with a grain of salt, as you don’t really know what’s going on between them Francesca Chillemi and Can Yamanwhat we can tell you, however, is that fans have fantasized about this social postsin which the beautiful actress was immortalized in her company, that is, the first Italian par excellence, that is, a tasty pasta dish. Many have seen a reference to the Turkish actor due to his past advertising right on a famous pasta brand, but in reality, followers probably fly with their imagination.

In reality, this shot is linked to one beautiful statement that Chilleni had released in the past after becoming the mother of her firstborn: “I have always had an ambiguous relationship with food…I finally understood that to lose weight you just need to follow a few rules that are the opposite of deprivation” it’s still: “Renunciation increases desire, makes you suffer and is useless. If I feel like a plate of pasta, I allow myself that day, I’m simply careful not to add any more sugars…”, then concluding to practice a lot of sport, including yoga, thus taking meal times very lightly. Having said that, it is useless to idealize two characters in the real life, because as you well know Francesca has her life with her partner and her children, while Can has his. Let’s just hope that if the two actually argued, that they can make peace, since we can see that they are very good friends on and off set. Aside from that, how many of you have wanted a plate of pasta?

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