Orietta Berti, who fled her bed at night for him: her husband Osvaldo forced to resign himself | He is now in her heart

Orietta Berti and Osvaldo Paterlini – Source: Instagram – iFood.it

Orietta Berti revealed it, at night she wakes up and runs to him, her husband Osvaldo Paterlini has resigned himself, he has been doing this since he was young. Here is the curious habit of the well-known singer.

When we hear the name of Orietta Berti it is impossible not to give a standing ovation, as the Cavriago Nightingale has enchanted and continues to enchant everyone with its extraordinary voice and his epic songs.

He is one of the pillars of the Italian music scene, as his songs will forever remain in the history of Italian music and in the hearts of all his fans. Among other things, with the various featuring current, even the new generations have rediscovered her, always classifying herself as a very current singer.

Orietta not only puts her all into her work but also with hers family, which he dotes on. Yet, that particular anecdote will leave you speechless, that’s the habit nocturnal of the singer, runs to him at night, her husband Osvaldo is used to it by now.

Orietta Berti runs away from him at night

Orietta Berti we saw her again a few days ago, with her usual kindness that distinguishes her, when together with Silvia Toffanin and Cristiano Malgioglio, they visited their friend Gerry Scotti, on the set of, The wheel of fortunethe successful show of the late Mike Bongiorno, who returned to the Mediaset networks with this revival, which started on Monday 7 May.

As soon as her guest was over, Berti “ran” home to her husband Osvaldo Paterliniwith whom she has been married since 1967. In addition to being a very close-knit couple, the two carry on a nice tradition, that of having named their two sons, Omar and Otis, carrying on thatinitial that unites them.

Orietta Berti’s ragù – Source: Depositphotos and Instagram – iFood.it

A marvel in this sector too

Orietta Berti therefore it is not only a marvel at work and in the family but also in Kitchen. In fact, at home, she is the queen of the kitchen when it comes to everyday cooking, while when there are guests, as the singer herself revealed: “For important dinners, however, there is my son Omar, who is good and cooks very well”.

Orietta always has cooked her in her house and continues to do so even now, carrying on that too curious habit that he has never changed, that is, waking up at night and cooking his legendary meal ragù: “I sleep very little at night, I have a lot of time on my hands. I make all kinds of ragù…”, who then freezes it and gives it to friends and relatives. His secret is to at least cook it 6 hoursthe first 3 hours staying awake at night: “The first three generally yes, then at most I continue to cook it the next day, nothing happens anyway…”. How many knew this habit of Berti’s for which even Osvaldo resigned himself?

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