165 million for workers – FIRST CISL

Increases the basic value recognized by all the people in the group. For those hired after 30 June 2024, a bonus of 400 euros. Favor lower wages, pay attention to fragility, work-life balance, parenting and training

First Cisl has signed, together with the other credit unions, the agreement on the variable performance bonus in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, relating to the 2024 financial year and payable in 2025.

The agreement provides for an increase in the so-called “bonus pool”, intended to fuel the reward system negotiated for staff, which amounts to a total of 165 million euros.

Even more than the economic data, which already certify an increase in the amounts payable, the social value of the new contractual acquisitions prevails, the result of the convinced union demands for unity.

“First of all, the agreement strengthens the instruments of certainty, collectability and sociality of the bonus as a form of collective remuneration: on the one hand, it increases its basic value, recognized to all workers; on the other hand, access to excellence is guaranteed, upon achievement of the expected results, without any prior limit on the number of potential beneficiaries – he states Domenico IodiceFirst Cisl national coordinator – Furthermore, intergenerational solidarity finds space among the social acquisitions of the agreement, as access to the reward system is guaranteed, for the 2024 financial year, even to those who will be hired during the year after 30 June 2024, with an award of 400 euros, which constitutes a more favorable rule”.

“Further social corrections also modify the distribution criteria, to the advantage of those receiving the lowest wages. Attention to fragility, to needs related to reconciling life and work, to parenting, to economic safeguards and to training, are elements that go in the right direction, in line with our confederal values ​​- he comments Faithful Trottasecretary responsible for First Cisl Intesa Sanpaolo Group – The legitimate expectations of those who work in Isp, linked to the important economic results achieved by the group, lead us to seek further satisfaction in the continuous negotiation dialogue”.

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