Urso-Salvini, dispute between ministers over bonuses for electric cars. And Renzi stings Schlein

Yesterday was the turn of piqued response from the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, of FdI, to Matteo Salvini, Lega, who two days ago had complained about the policy of bonuses that the government is implementing and which “rarely remain in Italy”. The Minister of Transport was particularly angry with the incentives for electric cars, from which – according to him – he would benefit above all the China: «I wouldn’t want there to be a assisted suicide of an entire production chain».

To the Northern League leader he has precisely countered Urso: “The incentive plan it was also signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and therefore also by Minister Salvini. As shown by the data on incentives for cars last year, an extremely small part equal to about 2% ends up in Chinese cars» and this year’s incentive plan was «even more designed on the model of national production».

These are not small squabbles, because a lot could be played out on these issues close to citizens election campaignwhich with the proportional sees each other compete each party against the other. And precisely for this reason the opposition harshly contests thepremiered operation which, it is the accusation, the centre-right and FdI in particular are implementing. In fact, today the debate (with the vote on the preliminary rulings) on the reform which introduces the direct election of the prime minister into the system, and the suspicion is that such haste is due to the desire to spend the elected prime minister’s card — with the face and name of Giorgia Meloni — already at the European Championships.

From Palazzo Chigi – given that today the prime minister will close a conference on the premiership organized by the De Gasperi Foundation in which the presidents of the Chambers and Minister Casellati will also participate – defend the reform and they enhance its meaning: «Since the instability of governments weakens a nation in international relations and in the economy, the intent is to underline that institutional reforms, including the premiership, they are not in conflict with institutional powers, to the founding principles and objectives of our Constitution”. That’s why, in short, too Meloni will participate in the works: «It will not be a specialist conference between professionals but rather a moment of discussion with citizens», explain the sources at Palazzo Chigi.

In the background, there remains preparation for voting. With a post that shows him in a photo next to Elly Schlein, Matteo Renzi jokes about his colleague: «Today with Elly at the accountants. I jokingly thanked her for her choice to join the referendum against the Jobs Act. Now everything is clearer: those who vote for the Democratic Party vote for the CGIL. Those who vote for the United States of Europe vote for work”, says the leader of IV. Who instead votes there won’t be a new Forzawhose llists were not admitted by the Supreme Court because they did not collect the signatures and are not in connection with parties present in the European Parliament. The Supreme Court readmitted the whole thing Alternative Italythe appeal of Italexit.

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