Pea and taleggio flan: for less than 5 euros you can present guests with a real delicacy | Streamlined and enjoyable, they make a great impression at the table

Pea and taleggio flan – Streetfoodnews (Depositphotos)

The pea and taleggio flan is prepared with cheap and simple ingredients but the final result will be crazy and delicious!

Creamy, inviting And tastyThe pea and taleggio flan it is a light but delicious cake that will conquer the palates of your guests. In fact, it’s about an original and chic appetizer to be served during an elegant dinner to amaze friends and relatives and feel like a real chef.

In fact, although it is a delicious recipe to say the least, this exquisite flan is prepared with really very cheap and humble ingredients. Thus, you will get a sensational result spending little. Your wallet will thank you, as will your guests after tasting this delicacy!

It is also a flan light, strictly veg, dietary, healthy, low-calorie and at the same time tasty and mouth-watering. The main ingredients will obviously be peas and taleggio cheese. In fact, the delicacy of the former will marry perfectly with the creaminess and the taste of this delicious cheese.

Therefore, to prepare the pea and taleggio flan you will only need to have it in the pantry and refrigerator few ingredientseveryone humble and economicaland the recipe to follow is easy and fast. In a few minutes you will have prepared a masterpiece of an appetizer. Seeing is believing.

Pea and taleggio flan: ingredients for 8 people

  • 600 grams of peas;
  • 600 grams of ricotta;
  • 100 grams of grated cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of taleggio;
  • 400 grams of bechamel;
  • Salt to taste;
  • extra virgin olive oil;
  • pepper as needed
The pea and taleggio flan: creamy and irresistible – Streetfoodnews (Depositphotos)


Start by taking care of the peas. Then cook them in a saucepan over low heat until they are tender. Then season with a pinch of salt and blend the peas in a blender until you obtain a smooth, dense and homogeneous cream. Then take a bowl and combine the pea cream, ricotta, eggs and grated cheese inside.

Season with salt and pepper and mix all the ingredients until a uniform mixture is created. Take it then the special flan cupsgrease them with a little oil and pour part of the mixture obtained into each of them. Then cook a 190º for half an hour. Stop by while you wait for the preparation of Fondue.

Heat the béchamel and the diced taleggio in a saucepan and let the latter dissolve by stirring continuously with a spoon. In the end the fondue will have to be smooth and without lumps. Then remove the flans from the oven Serve them on a plate, adding the taleggio fondue. Finally, add a sprinkling of pepper. The pea and taleggio flans will be ready and delicious as never before.

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