Invitation to the presentation of the Book: “The biodiversity of bread – History, community, traditions”

Invitation to the presentation of the Book: “The biodiversity of bread – History, community, traditions”
Invitation to the presentation of the Book: “The biodiversity of bread – History, community, traditions”

Tuesday 21 May, at 8.30 pmat the Civic Center in via Chiesa 5, a Roccafranca the book will be presented “The biodiversity of bread – History, community, traditions“, a unique opportunity to explore the varied history of bread.

The event organized by the Carta della Terra Festival in collaboration with Confartigianato Imprese Brescia and Eastern Lombardy will see the participation of leading figures in the field of craftsmanship and local culture.
After the greetings of the municipal administration and the introduction of Ruggero Guagni, president of the bakers of Confartigianato Imprese Brescia e Lombardia Orientale, the speech of Gabriele Archetti, president of Fondazione Cogeme ets, will follow, who will explore the themes of the book, immersing us in the traditions and in innovations related to the world of baking.

At the end of the speeches, an aperitif will follow where participants will be given the opportunity to taste different varieties of bread.

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