The armchair with golden embroidery – MariaLuigia Tilli

Maria Luigia Tilli he spent his childhood in the Abruzzo hinterland, and village life had a great influence on his personality, already predisposed to social respect and love for nature and animals. She is married and mother of two daughters, she currently lives in Pescara and works at a rental company as an administrative manager. She dedicates her free time to her passions: reading, writing and vintage. With the Bookabook publishing house you publish a curious and intriguing book, entitled The armchair with golden embroiderypublished in the “Ragazzi” series.

Obviously, as can easily be understood from the title itself, the absolute protagonist of this narrative is an armchair! Her name is Gilda:

A yellowish armchair upholstered in colorful flowers, once bright and vivid, today… well not really! Dust and wear have worn me down, but I still consider myself a gracious and accommodating armchair.

The object in question has been lying in the window of a second-hand shop since time immemorial:

I’m in this shop whose name I don’t know, I’ve been here since time immemorial now, but I can’t be sure: perhaps years have passed since I entered the second-hand shop.

Time passes slowly, always with the hope that someone will notice her, carry out the necessary restoration and bring her back to her former glory:

Sometimes it’s disheartening to see curious people come in and look at us, test us to evaluate our session and then leave empty-handed; in the end nothing happens, no one ever loses their heart for us. Every time a client looks at me, I start to dream: I imagine my life in beautiful living rooms or splendid bedrooms.

While waiting at the Gilda armchair, all that remains is to make friends with the other objects in the shop: the Bea and Battista clip, the chandelier. Because perhaps we forget, but all objects are endowed with a particular soul, which often awakens from torpor:

That not everyone can speak and listen, because there are some who completely lack soul. Incredulous, I listened carefully, to understand more, and so I discovered that everything depends on the creator of the object, on how much love he put into carving a piece of wood, for example.

So will the armchair finally find a customer who will take it back to a family where warmth and love for objects reign? Or is Gilda destined to be abandoned to an atrocious fate?

Reading the book is simple, but leads to reflection. Inanimate objects often speak to those who want to listen. They are silent witnesses of the life of a family or of men and women, who every day, next to them, live and love, cry and suffer. The metaphors with which the novel is woven are evident and well characterized. The characters come to life and live in their own light, but they precisely describe their lives and their intrinsic characteristics and qualities.

It is a reading that animates feelings, and is quite romantic and narratively powerful. The narrative speaks to the heart of the reader and often makes you smile. It deeply affects the light-hearted reader, who wants to spend a few hours in absolute freedom. The language is fluid and precise, and the plot is well thought out.

A read recommended for children, but also suitable for adults, who smile carefree in a world that often causes suffering.


Mixing memory and reality, Gilda reconstructs a portrait of her family, and makes deep reflections on life without ever losing her sense of humor, awakening the child in each of us.

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)