Fedez at the Book Fair: «Young people want to know about Gaza, not what I do at night»

Fedez at the Book Fair: «Young people want to know about Gaza, not what I do at night»
Fedez at the Book Fair: «Young people want to know about Gaza, not what I do at night»

At the beginning of the meeting, in fact, we talked about theimportance of young people’s mental health, which was the theme of the event. But soon the debate with Fedez as protagonist, at the Turin Book Fair, took another direction, and the focus of the discussion became the war between Israel and Hamas.

Together with the rapper, on stage there were the mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi and the President of the National Order of Psychologists David Lazzari. For Fedez mental health must be placed “on the same level as physical health”, and the data on applications for the psychologist bonus demonstrate that, in Italy, there is a real need for help. Lazzari confirmed this: in the first two days alone since INPS opened the portal to request the bonus, 200 thousand applications were received. Once again, Fedez denounced the closure of places where young people gather: «Opening the doors to a place where they can really discuss each other would be very precious at this moment». And she remembered having lived «depressive states that destroy you as an individual, and that kill creativity. When you don’t feel good about yourself, you can’t do anything good.”

But it was when the meeting seemed almost to end, at the time of questions from the public, that the atmosphere became more tense. Two psychologists and the influencer Karem Rohana (on Instagram Karem from Haifa) wanted to report to the president of the Order of Psychologists a unequal treatment among refugees Ukrainians – for whom, a few days after the invasion by Russia, psychological assistance services had been activated -, and the Palestinians, “neglected” despite numerous requests from the two psychologists, which remained unanswered.

It was then that Fedez spoke up and openly took sides: «On the one hand we have guys who have priorities (the reference is to the situation in the Middle Easted.), on the other the press that deals with what Fedez does at night and who don’t give a damn! A genocide is taking place in Gaza and young people want to know what is happening, they want a position. It would be time for the Italian press to reevaluate its priorities, it must stop being an influencer.”

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)