Turin Book Fair, great success for the Il Dubbio events

The Turin Book Fair ends today which saw the participation of Il Dubbio for the fourth consecutive year. Four days in which lawyers, magistrates, jurists, intellectuals and politicians took turns at our stand to discuss justice, politics, prison, ethical issues and much more. This morning, the lawyer Giuseppe Vitrani, councilor of the Coa of Turin, will talk about “Real lives and imaginary lives, passing through the metaverse and digital identities”. This will be followed at 11am by a face-to-face discussion on the media trial with the lawyer Giovanni Berti Arnoaldi Veli and the writer Bruno Lagovictim of judicial error.

The day will end with the award ceremony of the “Literature Prize for Justice”, 2024 edition, the literary competition promoted by Dubbio-Cnf-Fai, which this year was won by Alfonso Sirchio with the book “The Minister”.

Il Dubbio, edition after edition, is becoming the protagonist of the Turin event. In recent days our stand has recorded many visitors, thanks to the very high level of the debates that took place and attracted by the installation dedicated to the theme of the media process, inside our stand (T122, Oval Pavilion).

A new challenge that we decided to launch after the success achieved last year with “Five minutes in the cell”, the experience that simulated detention in prison. This year we wanted to offer visitors to the Show something different: a “media ritual” divided into three parts to reflect on the fragility of the presumption of innocence and the ferocity of the media. Because media mudslinging can affect anyone, even the innocent. But to understand what it means to end up in the meat grinder of the media trial you have to experience the pillory yourself, starting from a question: what if you were the “culprit” splashed on the front page?

The first step of the experience with the arrest and the mug shot, with the guests “taken into custody” and photographed after filling out a form with their data. The mug shot will then be inserted into a fictitious newspaper that we have called “Il Falso newspaper”, complete with headlines and articles that will represent the participants as “guilty”, despite the fact that they are only “under investigation”. Finally, we gave visitors a copy of the “fake” front page with their photo.

The initiative was kicked off by an exceptional guest: Francesca Scopelliti, companion of Enzo Tortora.

The meeting on psycho-aptitude tests for magistrates was very interesting, with the interventions of Anna Rossomandorepresentative of the Democratic Party and vice president of the Senate, Enrico Costaresponsible for Action Justice, Armando Spataroformer magistrate, e Fabrizio Staracepsychiatrist.

The focus on the prison emergency was the protagonist Mauro Palmaformer National Ombudsman for Prisoners, e Daniela Rossicouncilor of the Turin Bar Association.

The drama of the situation in the Iran of the ayatollahs and of the repression, precisely in the infamous Evin prison, with two women fighting against the regime: the human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh and the Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi, was at center of a show staged by the “Attori & Convenuti” theater company of Florence made up of lawyers, magistrates and notaries.

The first day of the Show ended with the presentation of the book “War Lawyers. Stories and testimonies from Ukraine and Russia” (Ed. Guerini and Associates) with the author Gennaro Grimolizzi, lawyer and journalist of Il Dubbio, and the lawyer Barbara Porta.

The second day opened with an event dedicated to sports justice, with Stella Frascà (FIGC federal councilor, Cnf sports law commission), the lawyer Mattia GrassaniAnd Salvatore Crimi (Coa of Turin). The discussion on artificial intelligence, with the CNF advisor, was also very interesting Vittorio Minervini (FAI vice president) e Tatiana Tommasi (Polytechnic of Turin), who discussed the role of the “robot judge”, between real experiences and science fiction.

Following two interviews related to the topic of prison, with a focus on penitentiary construction in which the lawyer Minervini took part together with the lawyer Elisabetta Brusa and architects Cesare Burdese And Federica Sanchez.

While the lawyer Antonio Genovesein a meeting organized by the Turin Bar Association, addressed the issues related to affectivity in prison, after the historic ruling of the Council last January.

Yesterday began with Silvana Arbiathe magistrate who witnessed the 1994 Tutsi genocide as a prosecutor in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

The debate with was very interesting Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, e Lorenzo D’Avackformer president of the National Committee for Bioethics, on the end of life and on the endless battle for a law on assisted suicide in light of the imminent ruling of the Consulta.

On Saturday afternoon there were two events dedicated to two distinct processes: with the lawyer Alessia Pontenanisi the case of Alessia Pifferi is discussed, the mother accused of having let her 18-month-old daughter die of starvation. Following the Bibbiano case with Claudio Foti, the psychotherapist definitively acquitted in the “Angels and Demons” trial after five years of media fury, together with his defender Luca Bauccio.

Yesterday ended with the former investigating judge of Milan Guido Salviniwhich addressed the topic of career separation.

Like every year, the events were filmed live and can be seen on our digital channels.

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)