Frosinone, Prosecutor Antonio Guerriero greets the judiciary with a book

“I became a magistrate so as not to go mad when faced with injustices.” It is a step of the book “The taste of injustice” of the prosecutor Antonio Warrior read by Professor Amedeo Di Sora. Yesterday morning, the last day of work before retirement, Antonio Guerriero said goodbye to Frosinone by presenting the work on the 44 years spent in the judiciary at the Vittoria theatre. An intervention condensed by the words addressed by the magistrate to the students present: «I hope that you are a better generation than ours.

In the book I tell facts, not words. We are what we do, not what we say.” Warrior he called for unity: «Giving justice is the basis of society. It’s the system, democracy. If justice doesn’t work, the state doesn’t work. Authoritativeness is built not with qualifications, but with human values.” He then thanked those present, starting with the former Avellino and Latina prosecutor Antonio Gagliardi (who was greatly applauded when he recounted the attack of which he was the victim), the former Anti-Mafia prosecutor Franco Roberti, the president of the Court of Auditors Tommaso Miele, moving on for the president of the court Paolo Sordi, the outgoing president of Confindustria Maurizio Stirpe (with whom Guerriero recalled an acquaintance dating back to the days of Avellino when the entrepreneur took over a company), the police forces (prefect Ernesto Liguori present , the police commissioner Domenico Condello, the provincial commanders of the carabinieri and financial police, Gabriele Mattioli and Cosimo Tripoli), the lawyers (the president of the Frosinone order Vincenzo Galassi was there), the rector of the University of Cassino Marco Dell’ Isola and the others who attended or who brought greetings such as the bishop Ambrogio Spreafico, the mayor Riccardo Mastrangeli, the professors of the University of Cassino Luigi Di Santo and Giovanni Russo and of Salerno Andrea Castaldo, the general secretary of the Aci Gerardo Capozza, Irpino too. Guerriero, as often in recent years, did not fail to remember the sacrifice of the prosecutor Fedele Calvosa, among other things killed by a terrorist commando from Avellino, and of the prosecutor Vittorio Occorsio, who in 1957, as he recalls in the book, had been deputy prosecutor in Frosinone.

Among the various interventions, the Ciociaro magistrate Tommaso Miele recalled that “being a magistrate is a mission”. Then turned to Warrior, added: «The most beautiful emotion is that your daughter has taken up the professional baton». Then she closed with a wish addressed to the kids: “May today the intention to be a magistrate be born.” “It’s the book that all of us magistrates of his generation would have liked to write,” said the other magistrate, now a European parliamentarian, Franco Roberti. Who spoke of “the rule of law which is fundamental for our democracy” and pushed for “mutual collaboration while respecting roles and differences. The institutions are strong because they are independent”.

Before Warrior’s conclusions, the speech of the former prosecutor Antonio Gagliardi, gold medal as a victim of terrorism. “I greeted his entry into the judiciary when I was deputy prosecutor of Avellino and today I greet him as he leaves the judiciary”, began the former prosecutor of Latina in a voice suddenly struck dumb upon hearing the story. The magistrate recalled the attack he suffered, the shots fired at the armored car, the car that overturned, the barrel of the machine gun introduced through the broken armored glass: «I only saw the flashes of the explosions, the bullets ricocheting off me on. A volley hit me all over one side, but I didn’t feel any pain, such was the emotion.” Having miraculously survived, Gagliardi recalled the solidarity of the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini. After choosing to stay in Avellino, «it was then that Antonio Guerriero joined me. So every morning we traveled together in the armored car.”

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)