Amazon KDP brings self-publishing to the Turin Book Fair Gazzetta di Reggio

Amazon KDP brings self-publishing to the Turin Book Fair Gazzetta di Reggio
Amazon KDP brings self-publishing to the Turin Book Fair Gazzetta di Reggio

TURIN (ITALPRESS) – This year too Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing returns to the Turin Book Fair. For the entire duration of the event, now in its thirty-sixth edition, Amazon KDP will be present with a stand (Pavilion 2, stand G102) and will offer the public multiple meeting and in-depth opportunities dedicated to indie, established or emerging authors. “Self publishing is a growing phenomenon,” says Andrea Pasino, Amazon KDP Manager for Italy, France and Spain. “Kindle Direct Publishing offers established and emerging authors an important advantage: publishing their work easily, free and quickly, making it available to an audience of millions of readers around the world. The Turin Book Fair is the perfect stage in Italy to talk about self-publishing and make curious and passionate people aware of the advantages of this approach to writing, telling the stories of those who have followed this path successfully.”
After the meeting on Friday 10th, “First steps on publishing with Amazon KDP”, which offered an overview of the services and tools for publishing and formatting that KDP makes available to authors, today, Saturday 11th May, will be the of the panel “Self Publishing, success cases”. The meeting will see the participation of several authors who have personally and successfully undertaken the path of self-publishing.
Among these, Chiara Assi: “My experience with Amazon KDP – declares the writer – began three years ago with the first book in my series. I chose to publish with Amazon because the possibility of being independent really attracted me. One thing that I didn’t expect, and that really surprised me, is the direct relationship that is created with the readers. I interact with them and have created a very close-knit community. I would suggest to all interested authors to pursue the path of self-publishing because, if approached correctly and with the right tools, it offers a precious opportunity to transform the passion for writing into a real job, in a simpler and faster way. compared to traditional channels”.
The debate “How digital has changed the scenario for independent authors” is scheduled for Sunday 12 May, again in the Cobalto Room. The meeting will analyze the numbers and real opportunities that digital has brought to the publishing world, changing the way Italians write, read, search for and purchase books. The speakers will be Andrea Pasino, KDP Manager for Italy, France and Spain, Natale Rossi, President of FUIS-Italian Unitary Federation of Writers and Riccardo Bruni, writer, journalist and artistic director of the Indie Book Fest. “Self-publishing – Pasino continues – has always existed in literature and today it is becoming increasingly popular thanks to digital technology. Amazon KDP was born as a self-publishing service for digital books, then the paper part also arrived. Today we offer great advantages to authors with the print on demand service and 70 percent royalties.”
Furthermore, this year at the Book Fair, Kindle Direct Publishing announces the 2024 edition of Amazon Storyteller, the first literary prize in Italy that allows aspiring writers and already established writers to let the general public discover their unpublished works. This year’s jury will be made up of Daniela Volontè, winner of the 2023 edition with the book “Emmàs Theory”, Fiore Manni, author and content creator, Natale Rossi, President of FUIS-Federazione Unitaria Italiana Scrittori, Sabina Minardi, journalist and author , and Andrea Pasino. The expert commission will select five finalist works from all the applications received and will decide the winner. “We have arrived – concludes Pasino – at the fifth edition of the Amazon Storyteller award. Until August 31st, anyone who wishes can publish their unpublished book on Amazon KDP and apply to the competition. Last year we received more than two thousand applications, an important number that this year we aim to exceed.” The winner of Amazon Storyteller 2024 will be announced in November on the occasion of the third edition of the Indie Book Fest, a literary event dedicated to self-publishing which this year, for the first time, will take place in Rome. The Amazon Storyteller award includes a cash reward of 10 thousand euros, a marketing campaign to promote your book on, and the possibility of being published in audio format by Audible. The remaining four finalists will receive a Kindle Scribe e-reader.

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