Lecco: Francesca Fialdini presents her book on the 16th

Lecco: Francesca Fialdini presents her book on the 16th
Lecco: Francesca Fialdini presents her book on the 16th

On Thursday 16 May, at 9.00 pm, the Cinema Nuovo Aquilone will host a meeting with Francesca Fialdini for the presentation of her latest book “Nella tana del coniglio. When the fight with food becomes an obsession”. The journalist and television presenter of the RAI programs Da noi… freewheeling and Fame d’amore will be interviewed by Giampiero Rossi, journalist from Corriere della Sera.

“Down the rabbit hole” is a book that tells the story of six intimate, heart-to-heart disorders with people suffering from eating disorders. Six delicate and powerful conversations in which words acquire a central value to reflect the hidden reasons of a pain that transfigures the body, but begins who knows where. Martha, Benedetta, Marco, Giulia and Anna invite us to look at what’s inside the hole they fell into while chasing a myth, an ideal of perfection, a need for love, visibility. Just as Alice chased the white rabbit, so each of them tenaciously chased a desire, without realizing that the blind race was sucking them into a vortex of obsessions, into a hole without light. The intent of this book is to bring anyone a reflection on the use of words when we talk about anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and other variations of eating disorders, aware that words create our relationships, they propose an image of us themselves and give shape – like a game of mirrors – to our deepest anxieties and fears.

The evening is free entry.

Event dates

Thursday, May 16, 2024

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)