At the International Book Fair Antonello Barone participates in the event “It’s easy to say sustainability”

The Festival of the Will – Dialogues on the future tomorrow, Friday 10 May, will stop at the Turin International Book Fair to launch the event scheduled for May 15th in Bologna in the Sala Borsa entitled “Intelligent is sustainable. The new paradigm of corporate social responsibility”.

Antonello Barone, creator of the Festival, will in fact participate in the event “It’s easy to say sustainability. Who influences influencers?”, scheduled for Friday starting at 1.45pm at the Caffè Letterario – Oval Pavilion – of the Turin Book Fair. Moderated by Marco Frittella, communication director of RaiCom, speakers will include, among others, Enrico Giovannini, scientific director of ASvIS, Cathy La Torre, lawyer representing the Court of Cassation, Roberto Natale, Rai director for sustainability – Esg.

The panel wants to investigate how people inform themselves on sustainable development issues and how to distinguish between fake news and correct information. Starting from the role of influencers and the media, and taking the 2030 Agenda as a point of reference, the event intends to encourage reflection on the tools necessary to obtain correct information on the issues of political, social and environmental relevance of our time, encouraging full democratic participation. In particular, the comparison will analyze how influencers find information and can make their communication responsible and how followers can distinguish authoritative sources, navigating the countless daily contents. Furthermore, theimpact of communication on consumption and production, to encourage correct consumer information and enhance commercial communication as an element of corporate responsibility. Greenwashing and social washing, with their amazing promises, make the less attentive consumer vulnerable; on the contrary, many companies, faced with the challenge of communicating sustainability, choose silence: the so-called “greenhushing”.

“Sustainability – declares Antonello Barone – is the new pass-partout word for corporate communication. It should be used sparingly. At the Turin International Book Fair we will also talk about the path born in Termoli to establish by law the Italian Capital of Sustainable Mobility. This word imposes an ethical challenge full of awareness on businesses and legislators.”

Moderator: Marco Frittella, communications director of RaiCom
1.45pm – 2.00pm Introduction
Enrico Giovannini, scientific director of ASviS
Ottavia Ortolani, ASviS communication and advocacy project manager

2.00pm – 3.15pm How do we find out about sustainable development issues?
Emilio Casalini, presenter of “Generation beauty”, RaiTre
Francesco Castellone, head of communications, external relations and public affairs at Iren
Simonetta Giordani, general secretary of Civita
Cathy La Torre, lawyer practicing in cassation, superior courts
Roberto Natale, Rai director for sustainability – Esg
With the testimony of:
Nello Ferrieri, Cinemovel
Mamadou Kouassi, cultural mediator, true protagonist of “Io Capitano”

3.15pm – 3.20pm
Antonello Barone, Festival of the future
Maurizio Gazzarri, RCS technical director

3.20pm – 4.00pm How do influencers influence production and consumption?
Alex Armillotta, co-founder and CEO of AWorld
Angelo Di Gregorio, president of the Italian Marketing Society
Alessandra Piloni, chief communications officer Consumers’ forum

The festival website:

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)